German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Production lines in the BMW plant in Dingolfing stand still due to a railway problem004737

BMW plant in Dingolfing

The problem has since been resolved and the cars have already been removed, BMW said on Monday.

(Photo: dpa)

Damage to the overhead line on the railway paralyzed production at the largest European BMW plant in Dingolfing. On Monday, both early and late shifts were canceled in both assembly halls, as a spokesman said. Several thousand employees were affected, and around 1,600 cars could not initially be built. The Bayerischer Rundfunk had previously reported on it.
The background is an overhead line damage in the Landshut area last Thursday, which largely paralyzed rail traffic there at the end of last week. As a result, finished cars could not be transported away from Dingolfing. BMW simply did not have the space for further production.
The problem has since been resolved and the cars have already been removed, BMW said on Monday. Production should be back to normal on Tuesday. If there are no problems, you will be able to make up for the loss within weeks. The lost working time is compensated via working time accounts.
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