Project LAURIN at the Lausitzring

The LAURIN research project starts at the Lausitzring with six partners on the subject of autonomous driving.

Of the Lausitzring has in part become a test bed for autonomous driving, including the DEKRA has contributed. A project is now being started there that will test the networked swarm functions. The project is called LAURIN and serves to review autonomous driving among various actors.

Six partners have come together for the project. In addition to DEKRA, these include the Fraunhofer IVI from Dresden, the company iMARE Navigation, Smart Mobile Labs AG, TraceTronic and ibeo automotive system. Financing of 2.45 million euros, which comes from the mFUND, contributes to the financing. The total budget for the project is 4.2 million euros. The project, which started on May 1st, will last for three years.

The study examines the joint behavior of dynamic vehicles and objects in a real-time data exchange. Safety concepts for autonomous driving are also being examined. Up to twelve moving objects should increase the complexity of traffic.

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