German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: “Continue to work for you”: Buyer of the VW Russian business irritated with social media posting007466

Eigentlich war das Kapitel Russland für Volkswagen schon beendet. Nach dem Ausbruch des Ukrainekriegs hatte sich der größte deutsche Autokonzern schrittweise aus dem russischen Markt zurückgezogen. Mit dem Verkauf seines Werks in Kaluga und der dazugehörenden Tochtergesellschaften für 125 Millionen Euro kappte VW Mitte Mai die letzten Verbindungen in das Land des Kremlchefs Wladimir Putin.Umso… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: “Continue to work for you”: Buyer of the VW Russian business irritated with social media posting007466

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: “Continue to work for you”: Buyer of the VW Russian business irritated with social media posting007466

Eigentlich war das Kapitel Russland für Volkswagen schon beendet. Nach dem Ausbruch des Ukrainekriegs hatte sich der größte deutsche Autokonzern schrittweise aus dem russischen Markt zurückgezogen. Mit dem Verkauf seines Werks in Kaluga und der dazugehörenden Tochtergesellschaften für 125 Millionen Euro kappte VW Mitte Mai die letzten Verbindungen in das Land des Kremlchefs Wladimir Putin.Umso… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: “Continue to work for you”: Buyer of the VW Russian business irritated with social media posting007466

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: “Continue to work for you”: Buyer of the VW Russian business irritated with social media posting007466

Eigentlich war das Kapitel Russland für Volkswagen schon beendet. Nach dem Ausbruch des Ukrainekriegs hatte sich der größte deutsche Autokonzern schrittweise aus dem russischen Markt zurückgezogen. Mit dem Verkauf seines Werks in Kaluga und der dazugehörenden Tochtergesellschaften für 125 Millionen Euro kappte VW Mitte Mai die letzten Verbindungen in das Land des Kremlchefs Wladimir Putin.Umso… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: “Continue to work for you”: Buyer of the VW Russian business irritated with social media posting007466

Europa Wire: Škoda Revs Up for 20th Sachsen Classic Rally with a Fleet of Iconic Vintage Models000720

Škoda Revs Up for 20th Sachsen Classic Rally with a Fleet of Iconic Vintage Models (IN BRIEF) Škoda Classic team is participating in the 20th Sachsen Classic rally with seven iconic Škoda vehicles built between 1948 and 1988. The rally, known for its focus on regularity and precision rather than speed, starts in Zwickau on… Continue reading Europa Wire: Škoda Revs Up for 20th Sachsen Classic Rally with a Fleet of Iconic Vintage Models000720

US-based Tyson Foods plans to sell China poultry business

US meat and processed food maker Tyson Foods plans to sell its China poultry business, three people with knowledge of the matter said, in the latest case of a multinational firm looking to divest from the country in recent years. The company has hired Goldman Sachs to advise on the sale and sent preliminary information to… Continue reading US-based Tyson Foods plans to sell China poultry business

Tesla makes further price cuts in China, reducing models S and X by $7,400 to $8,500

Visitors check a Tesla Model 3 car next to a Model Y displayed at a showroom of the U.S. electric vehicle (EV) maker in Beijing, China February 4, 2023. Florence Lo | Reuters Tesla on Wednesday slashed the price of the existing inventory of its Model S and Model X cars in China, as the… Continue reading Tesla makes further price cuts in China, reducing models S and X by $7,400 to $8,500

Tesla wins the EV charge plug format war

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‘The clock is ticking:’ UAW prepares to step up fight for contract demands

With one month to go until the United Auto Workers’ contracts with the Big Three expire, the union is preparing to escalate its fight to achieve its demands at the bargaining table. UAW President Shawn Fain, citing what the union described as a “slow pace of negotiations” with Stellantis NV, General Motors Co. and Ford… Continue reading ‘The clock is ticking:’ UAW prepares to step up fight for contract demands

German FAZ: Frankfurter Nordwestkreuz blocked for weeks +++ Woman tried to kill husband006746

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Tesla slashes model prices in China as EV price war accelerates

What is included in my trial? During your trial you will have complete digital access to with everything in both of our Standard Digital and Premium Digital packages. Standard Digital includes access to a wealth of global news, analysis and expert opinion. Premium Digital includes access to our premier business column, Lex, as well… Continue reading Tesla slashes model prices in China as EV price war accelerates