German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Ways out of the China trap: VW, BMW and Mercedes can still grow in these regions006962

China ist das Lieblingsland der deutschen Autobauer. Hier verkaufen sie mehr als ein Drittel ihrer Fahrzeuge und erwirtschaften mehr als die Hälfte ihrer Gewinne. Die Analysten des Vermögensverwalters Bernstein schätzen, dass allein Volkswagen im Jahr 2021 gut 68 Prozent seines Nettoergebnisses Kunden aus der Volksrepublik verdankt. Bei BMW und Mercedes-Benz waren es zwischen 53 und… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Ways out of the China trap: VW, BMW and Mercedes can still grow in these regions006962

German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Continental sells tire plant in Russia006960

Continental AG It was agreed not to disclose the purchase price of the factory. (Photo: dpa) Continental is also parting with a large part of its activities in Russia. The Dax group from Hanover announced on Monday that the factory for car tires in Kaluga, southwest of Moscow, had been sold to the Russian investor… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Continental sells tire plant in Russia006960

German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Continental sells tire plant in Russia006960

Continental AG It was agreed not to disclose the purchase price of the factory. (Photo: dpa) Continental is also parting with a large part of its activities in Russia. The Dax group from Hanover announced on Monday that the factory for car tires in Kaluga, southwest of Moscow, had been sold to the Russian investor… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Continental sells tire plant in Russia006960

German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: This is how Mahle wants to make the leap into electromobility006959

Der erste Windkanal der deutschen Autoindustrie steht in Stuttgart-Feuerbach. Der inzwischen zum Mahle-Konzern gehörende Kühlerspezialist Behr baute ihn 1937. Erstkunde war Mercedes. Hier wurde der Kühlergrill der legendären Silberpfeile windschnittiger gemacht. Kürzlich haben die Schwaben einen der historischen Rennwagen zum Fototermin im Hightech-Tunnel ausgeliehen. „Allein die Versicherung hat eine ganze Stange Geld gekostet“, sagt einer… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: This is how Mahle wants to make the leap into electromobility006959

German Handelsblatt: Management consultancy: Porsche Consulting increases sales by 28 percent: “Such growth rates are too high in the long run”006957

Die Managementberatung Porsche Consulting hat ihren Umsatz im vergangenen Jahr um rund 28 Prozent auf 271 Millionen Euro gesteigert und ist eigener Aussage nach „sehr profitabel“. „Es war ein Rekordjahr“, erklärt Firmenchef Eberhard Weiblen im Gespräch mit dem Handelsblatt. „Wir freuen uns natürlich riesig über diesen Zuspruch. Wir wissen aber auch, dass solche Wachstumsraten auf… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Management consultancy: Porsche Consulting increases sales by 28 percent: “Such growth rates are too high in the long run”006957

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen withdraws completely from Russia006956

New VW cars in Kaluga The state-of-the-art factory is considered to be VW’s most important asset in Russia. (Photo: Reuters) The VW Group is selling its most important factory in Russia and is completely withdrawing from the country for the time being. The plant in Kaluga will be sold to the Avilon trading group, the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen withdraws completely from Russia006956

German Handelsblatt: Management consultancy: Porsche Consulting increases sales by 28 percent: “Such growth rates are too high in the long run”006956

Die Managementberatung Porsche Consulting hat ihren Umsatz im vergangenen Jahr um rund 28 Prozent auf 271 Millionen Euro gesteigert und ist eigener Aussage nach „sehr profitabel“. „Es war ein Rekordjahr“, erklärt Firmenchef Eberhard Weiblen im Gespräch mit dem Handelsblatt. „Wir freuen uns natürlich riesig über diesen Zuspruch. Wir wissen aber auch, dass solche Wachstumsraten auf… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Management consultancy: Porsche Consulting increases sales by 28 percent: “Such growth rates are too high in the long run”006956

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen withdraws completely from Russia006955

New VW cars in Kaluga The state-of-the-art factory is considered to be VW’s most important asset in Russia. (Photo: Reuters) The VW Group is selling its most important factory in Russia and is completely withdrawing from the country for the time being. The plant in Kaluga will be sold to the Avilon trading group, the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen withdraws completely from Russia006955

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen plans far-reaching restructuring of its core brand006954

Volkswagen boss Oliver Blume The restructuring of the core brand becomes the second major project of his tenure. (Photo: dpa) The car manufacturer VW is preparing a far-reaching conversion of its core brand Volkswagen. The Handelsblatt learned from corporate circles that there is a program in the room with which the annual results are to… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen plans far-reaching restructuring of its core brand006954

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen plans far-reaching restructuring of its core brand006953

Volkswagen boss Oliver Blume The restructuring of the core brand becomes the second major project of his tenure. (Photo: dpa) The car manufacturer VW is preparing a far-reaching conversion of its core brand Volkswagen. The Handelsblatt learned from corporate circles that there is a program in the room with which the annual results are to… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen plans far-reaching restructuring of its core brand006953