German Handelsblatt: Diesel scandal: “I accepted it with approval”: Former Audi boss Stadler makes a confession006941

Rupert Stadler The former Audi boss is the first former VW board member to confess to the diesel scandal. (Photo: dpa) In the fraud process surrounding the emissions scandal at Audi, former CEO Rupert Stadler made a confession. However, Stadler did not speak himself in the hearing before the Munich Regional Court on Tuesday, but… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Diesel scandal: “I accepted it with approval”: Former Audi boss Stadler makes a confession006941

German Handelsblatt: Diesel scandal: “I accepted it with approval”: Former Audi boss Stadler makes a confession006939

Rupert Stadler The former Audi boss is the first former VW board member to confess to the diesel scandal. (Photo: dpa) In the fraud process surrounding the emissions scandal at Audi, former CEO Rupert Stadler made a confession. However, Stadler did not speak himself in the hearing before the Munich Regional Court on Tuesday, but… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Diesel scandal: “I accepted it with approval”: Former Audi boss Stadler makes a confession006939

German Handelsblatt: Diesel scandal: “I accepted it with approval”: Former Audi boss Stadler makes a confession006939

Rupert Stadler The former Audi boss is the first former VW board member to confess to the diesel scandal. (Photo: dpa) In the fraud process surrounding the emissions scandal at Audi, former CEO Rupert Stadler made a confession. However, Stadler did not speak himself in the hearing before the Munich Regional Court on Tuesday, but… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Diesel scandal: “I accepted it with approval”: Former Audi boss Stadler makes a confession006939

German Handelsblatt: Electric car ranking: Audi Q4 overtakes Tesla Model 3, strong April for VW and Smart – the most popular electric cars 2023006938

Die Nachfrage nach Neuwagen mit batterieelektrischen Antrieben zieht nach einem schwächeren Jahresstart weiter deutlich an. 29.740 Elektroautos kamen im April neu auf die Straße, wie das Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt mitteilte. Das waren demnach mehr als 34 Prozent mehr als im gleichen Monat des Vorjahres. Der Anteil reiner Elektrofahrzeuge an allen Neuzulassungen lag im vergangenen Monat bei rund 15 Prozent.… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electric car ranking: Audi Q4 overtakes Tesla Model 3, strong April for VW and Smart – the most popular electric cars 2023006938

German Handelsblatt: Start-up check: End of supply bottlenecks: How Scoutbee wants to keep Audi and Siemens factories running006937

Die Pandemie hat die globalen Lieferketten empfindlich gestört, Lieferengpässe bremsen die deutsche Wirtschaft immer wieder. Das Geschäftsmodell von Gregor Stühlers Start-up Scoutbee setzt genau dort an – Lieferketten resilienter und effizienter zu machen. Und das bereits lange vor der Coronakrise.Scoutbee hilft mit Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) anderen Firmen, die eigenen Lieferketten zu organisieren und neue Zulieferer… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Start-up check: End of supply bottlenecks: How Scoutbee wants to keep Audi and Siemens factories running006937

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen is catching up on deliveries in China006935

Volkswagen production Since the beginning of the year, 2.76 million cars, trucks and buses have been delivered to customers. (Photo: Reuters) After the setbacks in China in deliveries last month, Volkswagen has caught up strongly. In April, the Wolfsburg-based company handed over 255,700 vehicles to customers in its largest single market and increased sales there… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen is catching up on deliveries in China006935

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen is catching up on deliveries in China006935

Volkswagen production Since the beginning of the year, 2.76 million cars, trucks and buses have been delivered to customers. (Photo: Reuters) After the setbacks in China in deliveries last month, Volkswagen has caught up strongly. In April, the Wolfsburg-based company handed over 255,700 vehicles to customers in its largest single market and increased sales there… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen is catching up on deliveries in China006935

German Handelsblatt: BILANZCHECK: China deal gives BMW record profits – but the new dependency harbors risks006934

BMW balance sheet check The automaker’s dominance in China also entails risks. (Photo: AP) The year 2022 will be remembered by BMW shareholders as a special year. The company never made more sales, BMW never earned better. Thanks to a record profit of 18.6 billion euros, shareholders will receive a dividend of 8.50 euros per… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: BILANZCHECK: China deal gives BMW record profits – but the new dependency harbors risks006934

German Handelsblatt: Act of violence: Mercedes stops S-Class production after deadly shots006933

Police barriers at Mercedes-Benz in Sindelfingen Two people died after shots were fired on the factory premises. (Photo: dpa) After the deadly shots at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Sindelfingen, the carmaker temporarily stopped production of the S-Class and EQS on Thursday. The Dax group evacuated its employees in the “Factory 56” production hall, in which… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Act of violence: Mercedes stops S-Class production after deadly shots006933

German Handelsblatt: Act of violence: Mercedes stops S-Class production after deadly shots006932

Police barriers at Mercedes-Benz in Sindelfingen Two people died after shots were fired on the factory premises. (Photo: dpa) After the deadly shots at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Sindelfingen, the carmaker temporarily stopped production of the S-Class and EQS on Thursday. The Dax group evacuated its employees in the “Factory 56” production hall, in which… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Act of violence: Mercedes stops S-Class production after deadly shots006932