German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Mercedes concedes electric interim target – combustion engine remains important006866

Mercedes-Chef Ola Källenius Der Schwede musste das Zwischenziel, zur Hälfte elektrifizierte Fahrzeuge auszuliefern, um mindestens ein Jahr verschieben. (Foto: dpa) Der Umstieg auf Elektromobilität geht beim Stuttgarter Autobauer Mercedes-Benz langsamer voran als geplant. Der Konzern kassiert sein vor fast zwei Jahren ausgerufenes Zwischenziel, dass ab 2025 die Hälfte des Absatzes reine Elektroautos und Plug-in-Hybride sein sollten.… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Mercedes concedes electric interim target – combustion engine remains important006866

German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Audi with jump in sales – operating result shrinks006864

Audi electric cars The carmaker wants to significantly increase its share of electric cars by the end of the year. (Photo: dpa) The Ingolstadt carmaker Audi wants to stay out of the price war in the industry. No price reductions are currently planned, said CFO Jürgen Rittersberger on Friday when presenting the business figures for… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Audi with jump in sales – operating result shrinks006864

German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Audi with jump in sales – operating result shrinks006864

Audi electric cars The carmaker wants to significantly increase its share of electric cars by the end of the year. (Photo: dpa) The Ingolstadt carmaker Audi wants to stay out of the price war in the industry. No price reductions are currently planned, said CFO Jürgen Rittersberger on Friday when presenting the business figures for… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Audi with jump in sales – operating result shrinks006864

German Handelsblatt: Balance sheet check: car company in danger of falling: Mercedes climbs margin peak006862

Mercedes-Benz balance sheet check The carmaker achieved best values ​​in 2022 – now the competition is likely to get tougher. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG) Full tills are dangerous, at least for Mercedes-Benz. Whenever the Swabian carmaker has shone financially in its more than 135-year history, cost excesses, inertia or high-spirited maneuvers like the Chrysler merger often… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Balance sheet check: car company in danger of falling: Mercedes climbs margin peak006862

German Handelsblatt: Balance sheet check: car company in danger of falling: Mercedes climbs margin peak006862

Mercedes-Benz balance sheet check The carmaker achieved best values ​​in 2022 – now the competition is likely to get tougher. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG) Full tills are dangerous, at least for Mercedes-Benz. Whenever the Swabian carmaker has shone financially in its more than 135-year history, cost excesses, inertia or high-spirited maneuvers like the Chrysler merger often… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Balance sheet check: car company in danger of falling: Mercedes climbs margin peak006862

German Handelsblatt: Balance sheet check: car company in danger of falling: Mercedes climbs margin peak006860

Mercedes-Benz balance sheet check The carmaker achieved best values ​​in 2022 – now the competition is likely to get tougher. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG) Full tills are dangerous, at least for Mercedes-Benz. Whenever the Swabian carmaker has shone financially in its more than 135-year history, cost excesses, inertia or high-spirited maneuvers like the Chrysler merger often… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Balance sheet check: car company in danger of falling: Mercedes climbs margin peak006860

German Handelsblatt: Balance sheet check: car company in danger of falling: Mercedes climbs margin peak006860

Mercedes-Benz balance sheet check The carmaker achieved best values ​​in 2022 – now the competition is likely to get tougher. (Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG) Full tills are dangerous, at least for Mercedes-Benz. Whenever the Swabian carmaker has shone financially in its more than 135-year history, cost excesses, inertia or high-spirited maneuvers like the Chrysler merger often… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Balance sheet check: car company in danger of falling: Mercedes climbs margin peak006860

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW increases operating profit at the start of the year – these three points are important for investors006859

Electric vehicles from Volkswagen In March, the group achieved a strong increase in sales. (Photo: Bloomberg) Solid start to the year for VW: Thanks to better sales figures, Germany’s largest car manufacturer was able to clearly increase sales and operating profit in the first quarter compared to the previous year. From January to March, sales… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW increases operating profit at the start of the year – these three points are important for investors006859

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW increases operating profit at the start of the year – these three points are important for investors006858

Electric vehicles from Volkswagen In March, the group achieved a strong increase in sales. (Photo: Bloomberg) Solid start to the year for VW: Thanks to better sales figures, Germany’s largest car manufacturer was able to clearly increase sales and operating profit in the first quarter compared to the previous year. From January to March, sales… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW increases operating profit at the start of the year – these three points are important for investors006858

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW increases operating profit at the start of the year – these three points are important for investors006855

Electric vehicles from Volkswagen In March, the group achieved a strong increase in sales. (Photo: Bloomberg) Solid start to the year for VW: Germany’s largest car manufacturer closed the first quarter with better sales figures than in the previous year. From January to March, sales therefore grew by more than 21 percent to 76 billion… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW increases operating profit at the start of the year – these three points are important for investors006855