German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW expands electric ID series with small car006511

After the production and delivery backlog in 2022, the core brand of Volkswagen wants to catch up this year and hand over more cars to customers again. A significant increase in deliveries is being targeted, said CFO Patrik Andreas Mayer on Wednesday – including for electric cars. Recently there had been further difficulties in purchasing… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW expands electric ID series with small car006511

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW expands electric ID series with small car006509

Volkswagen has shown a design for the small electric car, with which the group’s core brand wants to expand its ID series downwards. The car (working title “ID.2all”) should be launched by 2026, be about the size of a current VW Polo and be produced in Spain. The series version for the European home market… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW expands electric ID series with small car006509

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW expands electric ID series with small car006509

Volkswagen has shown a design for the small electric car, with which the group’s core brand wants to expand its ID series downwards. The car (working title “ID.2all”) should be launched by 2026, be about the size of a current VW Polo and be produced in Spain. The series version for the European home market… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW expands electric ID series with small car006509

German Handelsblatt: Daimler Truck: “I’m far from finished here” – How Karin Radström turns Mercedes-Benz Trucks inside out006507

Karin Radstrom The manager at Daimler Truck is considered a promising candidate for the top of the company. Some professionals are still amazed. Important investments at Daimler Truck always had to be approved by top management. Sophisticated Powerpoint presentations, short thematic presentations and expert recommendations were customary. Only then did the board raise or lower… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Daimler Truck: “I’m far from finished here” – How Karin Radström turns Mercedes-Benz Trucks inside out006507

German Handelsblatt: Daimler Truck: “I’m far from finished here” – How Karin Radström turns Mercedes-Benz Trucks inside out006507

Karin Radstrom The manager at Daimler Truck is considered a promising candidate for the top of the company. Some professionals are still amazed. Important investments at Daimler Truck always had to be approved by top management. Sophisticated Powerpoint presentations, short thematic presentations and expert recommendations were customary. Only then did the board raise or lower… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Daimler Truck: “I’m far from finished here” – How Karin Radström turns Mercedes-Benz Trucks inside out006507

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen increases in-house production – suppliers are alarmed006505

Die Ankündigung des VW-Konzerns ab 2025 große Teile des elektrischen Antriebsstrangs selbst zu bauen, sorgt für Spannungen in der Branche. Betroffen sind die großen deutschen Autozulieferer, die nun um Aufträge fürchten. Die Betriebsräte von Bosch, ZF, Mahle und Vitesco schlagen bereits Alarm. Ende März wollen sich die Arbeitnehmervertreter der großen Zulieferer nach Informationen des Handelsblatts… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen increases in-house production – suppliers are alarmed006505

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen increases in-house production – suppliers are alarmed006505

Die Ankündigung des VW-Konzerns ab 2025 große Teile des elektrischen Antriebsstrangs selbst zu bauen, sorgt für Spannungen in der Branche. Betroffen sind die großen deutschen Autozulieferer, die nun um Aufträge fürchten. Die Betriebsräte von Bosch, ZF, Mahle und Vitesco schlagen bereits Alarm. Ende März wollen sich die Arbeitnehmervertreter der großen Zulieferer nach Informationen des Handelsblatts… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen increases in-house production – suppliers are alarmed006505

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: BMW raises return targets for 2023 – share increases slightly006504

BMW i7 Elektroautos sollen bei BMW künftig immer wichtiger werden. (Foto: IMAGO/TT) Nach einem Rekordgewinn von 18,6 Milliarden Euro im Vorjahr stellt BMW seinen Aktionären für 2023 eine Umsatzrendite von acht bis zehn Prozent in Aussicht. Das entspricht einer leichten Erhöhung des angepeilten Margenkorridors im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren, in denen der Autobauer aus München stets… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: BMW raises return targets for 2023 – share increases slightly006504

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen significantly lowers return forecast for 2023006503

Volkswagen factory in Zwickau Last year, VW was able to increase sales by almost 9 percent. (Photo: imago images/Eibner) The Volkswagen brand is lowering its forecast due to the uncertain economy and rising costs. Instead of the previously forecast six percent, the Executive Board is now assuming an operating return before special items of “more… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen significantly lowers return forecast for 2023006503

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen significantly lowers return forecast for 2023006501

Volkswagen factory in Zwickau Last year, VW was able to increase sales by almost 9 percent. (Photo: imago images/Eibner) The Volkswagen brand is lowering its forecast due to the uncertain economy and rising costs. Instead of the previously forecast six percent, the Executive Board is now assuming an operating return before special items of “more… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen significantly lowers return forecast for 2023006501