German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Mercedes decides to buy back shares worth billions006249

Mercedes logo The automotive group around the star brand announces a share buyback. (Photo: Reuters) The Mercedes-Benz Group AG wants to buy back its own shares for up to four billion euros on the market. The executive board and supervisory board decided on Thursday, said the Stuttgart car company. From March, the shares should be… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Mercedes decides to buy back shares worth billions006249

German Handelsblatt: Car prices: VW increases prices for combustion models006248

VW dealership Many models with combustion engines are to become significantly more expensive. (Photo: dpa) Volkswagen customers will have to pay more for combustion models later this month. The new car prices of many vehicles from the core brand with the appropriate drive are expected to rise by an average of 4.4 percent from February… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car prices: VW increases prices for combustion models006248

German Handelsblatt: Car prices: VW increases prices for combustion models006248

VW dealership Many models with combustion engines are to become significantly more expensive. (Photo: dpa) Volkswagen customers will have to pay more for combustion models later this month. The new car prices of many vehicles from the core brand with the appropriate drive are expected to rise by an average of 4.4 percent from February… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car prices: VW increases prices for combustion models006248

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: New electric SUV from 2026: VW gives the go-ahead for ID.Tiguan006246 during Chancellor’s visit

VW-Stammwerk in Wolfsburg Die Golf-Nachfrage schwächelt, der elektrische Tiguan soll wieder für mehr Produktion sorgen. (Foto: Reuters) Das Volkswagen-Stammwerk in Wolfsburg war zuletzt nicht voll ausgelastet. Immer wieder standen Bänder in der wichtigen Produktionsstätte still, Mitarbeiter wurden in Kurzarbeit geschickt. Grund ist vor allem die Chipkrise, die bei VW dazu führt, dass Modelle mit hohen Margen… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: New electric SUV from 2026: VW gives the go-ahead for ID.Tiguan006246 during Chancellor’s visit

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: New electric SUV from 2026: VW gives the go-ahead for ID.Tiguan006246 during Chancellor’s visit

VW-Stammwerk in Wolfsburg Die Golf-Nachfrage schwächelt, der elektrische Tiguan soll wieder für mehr Produktion sorgen. (Foto: Reuters) Das Volkswagen-Stammwerk in Wolfsburg war zuletzt nicht voll ausgelastet. Immer wieder standen Bänder in der wichtigen Produktionsstätte still, Mitarbeiter wurden in Kurzarbeit geschickt. Grund ist vor allem die Chipkrise, die bei VW dazu führt, dass Modelle mit hohen Margen… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: New electric SUV from 2026: VW gives the go-ahead for ID.Tiguan006246 during Chancellor’s visit

German Handelsblatt: Used car check: Bonsai Golf with good genes – the VW Polo can do that as a used car006245

In growth The current generation has increased by 8 centimeters to a length of 4.05 meters compared to its predecessor. (Photo: VW) The VW Polo is one of the long-distance runners in the VW range. The small car has been around since 1975 and has been in its sixth generation since September 2017. The Polo… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Used car check: Bonsai Golf with good genes – the VW Polo can do that as a used car006245

German Handelsblatt: Billionaire: BMW heiress Susanne Klatten leaves the supervisory board of SGL Carbon006243

BMW-Großaktionärin Susanne Klatten tritt als Aufsichtsratschefin des Grafit-Spezialisten SGL Carbon ab. Die 60-Jährige wolle ihr Mandat im Aufsichtsrat nach der Hauptversammlung am 9. Mai aus persönlichen Gründen vorzeitig abgeben, teilte das SDax-Unternehmen am Dienstag mit.Klatten ist seit 2009 Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats und seit 2013 die Vorsitzende des Kontrollgremiums. Ihre jetzige Amtszeit läuft eigentlich bis Mitte… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Billionaire: BMW heiress Susanne Klatten leaves the supervisory board of SGL Carbon006243

German Handelsblatt: Billionaire: BMW heiress Susanne Klatten leaves the supervisory board of SGL Carbon006243

BMW-Großaktionärin Susanne Klatten tritt als Aufsichtsratschefin des Grafit-Spezialisten SGL Carbon ab. Die 60-Jährige wolle ihr Mandat im Aufsichtsrat nach der Hauptversammlung am 9. Mai aus persönlichen Gründen vorzeitig abgeben, teilte das SDax-Unternehmen am Dienstag mit.Klatten ist seit 2009 Mitglied des Aufsichtsrats und seit 2013 die Vorsitzende des Kontrollgremiums. Ihre jetzige Amtszeit läuft eigentlich bis Mitte… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Billionaire: BMW heiress Susanne Klatten leaves the supervisory board of SGL Carbon006243

German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Luxury course in the model portfolio: Mercedes is planning a “small” offshoot of the G-Class006242

Mercedes G Class The vehicle, which appears particularly bulky due to its box shape, is more popular than ever before in its more than 40-year history. (Photo: Daimler AG) Mercedes-Benz’s luxury strategy leads to major changes in the brand’s model portfolio. Many well-known series will be discontinued in the coming years. These include, for example,… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Luxury course in the model portfolio: Mercedes is planning a “small” offshoot of the G-Class006242

German Handelsblatt: Chainless drive: Schaeffler makes the bicycle chain superfluous006241

Schaeffler The generator on the pedal axle has no mechanical connection to the actual drive. The Free Ride bike-by-wire drive presented by automotive supplier Schaeffler in 2021 will be on the road in Germany this year. One of the first customers is CIP Mobility GmbH, which will roll out the new pedelec drive concept with… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Chainless drive: Schaeffler makes the bicycle chain superfluous006241