German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Blume’s liberation – The VW boss collects the software strategy and reorganizes the group005836

VW boss Oliver Blume Blume replaced Herbert Diess at the top of VW at the beginning of September (Photo: dpa) The CEO of the car manufacturer VW, Oliver Blume, is preparing a reorganization of the company architecture. The core should be a new software strategy that should keep the group fit for the future. Blume… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Blume’s liberation – The VW boss collects the software strategy and reorganizes the group005836

German Handelsblatt: Share under the magnifying glass: The rally in Porsche shares could end soon – and other car manufacturers could become more attractive005835

Porsche vehicles The Porsche IPO was the largest in Germany since Deutsche Telekom. The price of Porsche has meanwhile risen from 84 euros to over 112 euros. (Photo: Porsche AG) It took less than ten weeks: On September 29, the sports car manufacturer Porsche AG went public, and on December 5 it was announced that… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Share under the magnifying glass: The rally in Porsche shares could end soon – and other car manufacturers could become more attractive005835

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Farewell to the combustion engine: Mercedes will convert the most important engine plants to electric from 2024005834

Battery manufacturing at the Alabama plant Mercedes is gradually converting completely to electric production. (Photo: dpa) The car company Mercedes begins to say goodbye to the internal combustion engine. From 2024, the most important engine plants in Germany, Romania and China are to start mass production of batteries and electric motors. With the new production… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Farewell to the combustion engine: Mercedes will convert the most important engine plants to electric from 2024005834

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Farewell to the combustion engine: Mercedes will convert the most important engine plants to electric from 2024005833

Battery manufacturing at the Alabama plant Mercedes is gradually converting completely to electric production. (Photo: dpa) The car company Mercedes begins to say goodbye to the internal combustion engine. From 2024, the most important engine plants in Germany, Romania and China are to start mass production of batteries and electric motors. With the new production… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Farewell to the combustion engine: Mercedes will convert the most important engine plants to electric from 2024005833

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: “VW leaves us hanging in the air” – Volkswagen upsets software experts from Argo AI005831

Volkswagen riskiert bei seinem Rückzug aus dem Joint Venture Argo AI den Verlust von Softwareexperten. Mitarbeitende des Unternehmens, das der Dax-Konzern gemeinschaftlich mit Ford betrieben hat, berichten von zunehmender Frustration durch den Umgang von VW mit ihnen. Auch internen Zahlen zufolge, die das Handelsblatt einsehen konnte, ist Ford deutlich erfolgreicher darin, gefragte Talente an sich… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: “VW leaves us hanging in the air” – Volkswagen upsets software experts from Argo AI005831

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: “VW leaves us hanging in the air” – Volkswagen upsets software experts from Argo AI005831

Volkswagen riskiert bei seinem Rückzug aus dem Joint Venture Argo AI den Verlust von Softwareexperten. Mitarbeitende des Unternehmens, das der Dax-Konzern gemeinschaftlich mit Ford betrieben hat, berichten von zunehmender Frustration durch den Umgang von VW mit ihnen. Auch internen Zahlen zufolge, die das Handelsblatt einsehen konnte, ist Ford deutlich erfolgreicher darin, gefragte Talente an sich… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: “VW leaves us hanging in the air” – Volkswagen upsets software experts from Argo AI005831

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW separates from chief designer Zyciora – his successor is his predecessor005829

Klaus Zyciora bei der Premiere des VW ID.3 Der Chefdesigner von Volkswagen muss gehen, der VW ID.3 soll optisch überarbeitet werden. Volkswagen trennt sich von seinem langjährigen Designer Klaus Zyciora. Wie das Handelsblatt aus Unternehmenskreisen erfuhr, soll zum 1. Januar Michael Mauer, bisher Chefdesigner bei Porsche, Zycioras Nachfolge antreten. Die Schlüsselposition ist direkt Oliver Blume… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW separates from chief designer Zyciora – his successor is his predecessor005829

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW separates from chief designer Zyciora – his successor is his predecessor005829

Klaus Zyciora bei der Premiere des VW ID.3 Der Chefdesigner von Volkswagen muss gehen, der VW ID.3 soll optisch überarbeitet werden. Volkswagen trennt sich von seinem langjährigen Designer Klaus Zyciora. Wie das Handelsblatt aus Unternehmenskreisen erfuhr, soll zum 1. Januar Michael Mauer, bisher Chefdesigner bei Porsche, Zycioras Nachfolge antreten. Die Schlüsselposition ist direkt Oliver Blume… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW separates from chief designer Zyciora – his successor is his predecessor005829

German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Continental employee uses unauthorized browser – thus enabling the gigantic cyber attack005828

Continental The hackers were able to look around the Dax group’s network undisturbed for a month. (Photo: dpa) A little carelessness has plunged Continental into chaos. Because a single employee downloaded an unauthorized browser from the Internet, cybercriminals were able to “exfiltrate” 40 terabytes of data from the auto parts supplier. That’s what the group’s… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Continental employee uses unauthorized browser – thus enabling the gigantic cyber attack005828

German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Continental enlarges the board: Mercedes manager takes over new department005827

Sitz von Continental in Hannover Der Autozulieferer zieht erste Konsequenzen aus dem massiven Datenabfluss aus dem Firmennetzwerk. (Foto: Reuters) Der Autozulieferer und Reifenhersteller Continental erweitert seinen Vorstand auf sechs Mitglieder und schafft ein neues Ressort für Integrität und Recht. Für diesen Bereich berief der Aufsichtsrat in seiner Sitzung am Mittwoch ab dem 1. Juli 2023 für… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Continental enlarges the board: Mercedes manager takes over new department005827