German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Volkswagen sells car sharing subsidiary Weshare005511

Volkswagen verkauft seinen Carsharing-Anbieter Weshare. Das teilte der Wolfsburger Konzern am Dienstag mit. Käufer ist das herstellerunabhängige Carsharing-Unternehmen Miles Mobility. Zu den finanziellen Details machten beide Seiten keine Angaben.Einen allzu hohen Verkaufspreis dürfte Volkswagen mit seinem Sharing-Anbieter nicht erzielt haben. Die VW-Tochter schreibt rote Zahlen. Mit dem Verkauf folgt der VW-Konzern Mercedes und BMW, die… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Volkswagen sells car sharing subsidiary Weshare005511

German Handelsblatt: Collective bargaining: Audi Human Resources Director demand one-off payments against high inflation005509

Audi In response to the highest inflation in decades, IG Metall recently called for eight percent more money for the 3.8 million employees in the metal and electrical industry. Employers, on the other hand, do not see much scope for wage increases given the high energy and material costs. (Photo: dpa) The Volkswagen subsidiary Audi… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Collective bargaining: Audi Human Resources Director demand one-off payments against high inflation005509

German Handelsblatt: Collective bargaining: Audi Human Resources Director demand one-off payments against high inflation005509

Audi In response to the highest inflation in decades, IG Metall recently called for eight percent more money for the 3.8 million employees in the metal and electrical industry. Employers, on the other hand, do not see much scope for wage increases given the high energy and material costs. (Photo: dpa) The Volkswagen subsidiary Audi… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Collective bargaining: Audi Human Resources Director demand one-off payments against high inflation005509

German Handelsblatt: Sports car manufacturer: valued too high or fairly? Porsche shares rise above the EUR 100005507 mark

Porsche sports car in front of the Stuttgart Stock Exchange Since the IPO, the carmaker’s shares have risen by 20 percent. (Photo: Reuters) A month after the IPO, the shares of the sports car manufacturer Porsche have reached a new high. On Friday, the paper rose to 101.10 euros. Most recently, it was listed just… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Sports car manufacturer: valued too high or fairly? Porsche shares rise above the EUR 100005507 mark

German Handelsblatt: Sports car manufacturer: valued too high or fairly? Porsche shares rise above the EUR 100005507 mark

Porsche sports car in front of the Stuttgart Stock Exchange Since the IPO, the carmaker’s shares have risen by 20 percent. (Photo: Reuters) A month after the IPO, the shares of the sports car manufacturer Porsche have reached a new high. On Friday, the paper rose to 101.10 euros. Most recently, it was listed just… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Sports car manufacturer: valued too high or fairly? Porsche shares rise above the EUR 100005507 mark

German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: ZF Friedrichshafen is preparing a possible partial sale of the airbag division005505

ZF Friedrichshafen The automotive supplier is preparing its airbag and seat belt division for a possible partial sale. (Photo: dpa) The automotive supplier ZF Friedrichshafen wants to spin off its airbag and seat belt division and thus prepare for a possible partial sale. The foundation company announced on Wednesday in Friedrichshafen that the decision was… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: ZF Friedrichshafen is preparing a possible partial sale of the airbag division005505

German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: ZF Friedrichshafen is preparing a possible partial sale of the airbag division005505

ZF Friedrichshafen The automotive supplier is preparing its airbag and seat belt division for a possible partial sale. (Photo: dpa) The automotive supplier ZF Friedrichshafen wants to spin off its airbag and seat belt division and thus prepare for a possible partial sale. The foundation company announced on Wednesday in Friedrichshafen that the decision was… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: ZF Friedrichshafen is preparing a possible partial sale of the airbag division005505

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW with profit surge – but sales forecast lowered005503

Die weltweiten Geschäfte von Volkswagen haben sich in den vergangenen drei Monaten weiter stabilisiert. Deshalb liegt der Wolfsburger Autohersteller nach den ersten drei Quartalen von 2022 bei Umsatz und Ertrag wieder deutlich über dem Vorjahresergebnis.In der Produktion konnte der Konzern die Verluste aus dem ersten Halbjahr zum Teil wieder aufholen. Das gilt besonders für das… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: VW with profit surge – but sales forecast lowered005503

German Handelsblatt: Sports car manufacturer: Porsche increases profits much more than sales005502

Porsche-Händler in Dortmund Zwischen Januar und September lieferte die VW-Tochter 221.512 Neuwagen aus, ein Plus von zwei Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum. (Foto: Bloomberg) Der Börsenneuling Porsche hat den Gewinn in den ersten neun Monaten sprunghaft gesteigert. Während der Umsatz um knapp 16 Prozent auf 26,7 Milliarden Euro wuchs, schnellte der operative Gewinn um rund 40 Prozent… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Sports car manufacturer: Porsche increases profits much more than sales005502

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Mercedes doubles profit and increases its forecast again005502

Krieg, Inflation, Zinswende: Über der gesamten europäischen Industrie hat sich ein „perfekter Sturm“ zusammengebraut, bekundete Mercedes-Chef Ola Källenius erst vor wenigen Tagen. Der Manager beobachtet eine nie da gewesene „Makronervosität“. Sein Unternehmen spürt davon im Tagesgeschäft jedoch bis dato nahezu nichts. Im Gegenteil: Der Stuttgarter Autobauer verdient trotz der vielen Krisen weiterhin prächtig.Im dritten Quartal… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Mercedes doubles profit and increases its forecast again005502