German Handelsblatt: Automaker: A visionary who failed in the implementation – The balance sheet of VW boss Diess004794

Herbert Diess presented the VW ID.3 in 2019 Diess recognized the future of electrified drives early on. (Photo: AP) It actually looked like Herbert Diess would fulfill his three-year contract as VW boss. He was the favorite of the financial markets. In investor circles, he was considered the one who initiated the transformation with electromobility… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: A visionary who failed in the implementation – The balance sheet of VW boss Diess004794

German Handelsblatt: Lobbyism: Dedicated line to the Porsche boss? Lindner is said to have reported on coalition negotiations004793

Bei der vergangenen Sendung der ZDF-Satireshow „Die Anstalt“ hatte Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP) wenig zu lachen. Ein Kabarettist erhob einen ernsten Vorwurf: Der FDP-Vorsitzende soll Porsche-CEO Oliver Blume laufend berichtet haben, was in den vertraulichen Koalitionsverhandlungen zu einer Ausnahmeklausel für Autos mit E-Fuels diskutiert wurde.E-Fuels sind synthetische Kraftstoffe, die aus erneuerbarem Strom hergestellt werden sollen.… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Lobbyism: Dedicated line to the Porsche boss? Lindner is said to have reported on coalition negotiations004793

German Handelsblatt: Automaker: A visionary who failed in the implementation – The balance sheet of VW boss Diess004790

Herbert Diess The outgoing VW boss had many good ideas, but rarely implemented them as a team. (Photo: Reuters) It actually looked like Herbert Diess would fulfill his three-year contract as VW boss. He was the favorite of the financial markets. In investor circles, he was considered the one who initiated the transformation with electromobility… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: A visionary who failed in the implementation – The balance sheet of VW boss Diess004790

German Handelsblatt: Lobbyism: Dedicated line to the Porsche boss? Lindner is said to have reported from coalition negotiations004789

Bei der vergangenen Sendung der ZDF-Satireshow „Die Anstalt“ hatte Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP) wenig zu lachen. Ein Kabarettist erhob einen ernsten Vorwurf: Der FDP-Vorsitzende soll Porsche-CEO Oliver Blume laufend berichtet haben, was in den vertraulichen Koalitionsverhandlungen zu einer Ausnahmeklausel für Autos mit E-Fuels diskutiert wurde.E-Fuels sind synthetische Kraftstoffe, die aus erneuerbarem Strom hergestellt werden sollen.… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Lobbyism: Dedicated line to the Porsche boss? Lindner is said to have reported from coalition negotiations004789

German Handelsblatt: Automaker: A visionary who failed in the implementation – the balance sheet of VW boss Diess004787

Herbert Diess The outgoing VW boss had many good ideas, but rarely implemented them as a team. (Photo: Reuters) It actually looked like Herbert Diess would fulfill his three-year contract as VW boss. He was the favorite of the financial markets. In investor circles, he was considered the one who initiated the transformation with electromobility… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: A visionary who failed in the implementation – the balance sheet of VW boss Diess004787

German Handelsblatt: Lobbyism: Dedicated line to the Porsche boss? Lindner is said to have reported from coalition negotiations004786

Christian Lindner Dem FDP-Chef wird vorgeworfen, E-Fuels vor allem für Porsche durchgesetzt zu haben. (Foto: dpa) Bei der vergangenen Sendung der ZDF-Satireshow „Die Anstalt“ hatte Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP) wenig zu lachen. Ein Kabarettist erhob einen ernsten Vorwurf: Der FDP-Vorsitzende soll Porsche-CEO Oliver Blume laufend berichtet haben, was in den vertraulichen Koalitionsverhandlungen zu einer Ausnahmeklausel für… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Lobbyism: Dedicated line to the Porsche boss? Lindner is said to have reported from coalition negotiations004786

German Handelsblatt: Automaker: A visionary who failed in the implementation – the balance sheet of VW boss Diess004786

Herbert Diess The outgoing VW boss had many good ideas, but rarely implemented them as a team. (Photo: Reuters) It actually looked like Herbert Diess would fulfill his three-year contract as VW boss. He was the favorite of the financial markets. In investor circles, he was considered the one who initiated the transformation with electromobility… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: A visionary who failed in the implementation – the balance sheet of VW boss Diess004786

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: A visionary who failed in the implementation – the balance sheet of VW boss Diess004785

Herbert Diess The outgoing VW boss had many good ideas, but rarely implemented them as a team. (Photo: Reuters) It actually looked like Herbert Diess would fulfill his three-year contract as VW boss. He was the favorite of the financial markets. In investor circles, he was considered the one who initiated the transformation with electromobility… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: A visionary who failed in the implementation – the balance sheet of VW boss Diess004785

German Handelsblatt: Lobbyism: Dedicated line to the Porsche boss? Lindner is said to have reported on coalition negotiations004783

Christian Lindner Dem FDP-Chef wird vorgeworfen E-Fuels vor allem für Porsche durchgesetzt zu haben. (Foto: dpa) Bei der vergangenen Sendung der ZDF-Satireshow „Die Anstalt“ hatte Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP) wenig zu lachen. Ein Kabarettist erhob einen ernsten Vorwurf: Der FDP-Vorsitzende soll Porsche-CEO Oliver Blume laufend berichtet haben, was in den vertraulichen Koalitionsverhandlungen zu einer Ausnahmeklausel für… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Lobbyism: Dedicated line to the Porsche boss? Lindner is said to have reported on coalition negotiations004783

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW boss Herbert Diess has to make room for Porsche boss Oliver Blume – “It’s a clean sack”004782

Volkswagen-Vorstandschef Herbert Diess verlässt überraschend den Wolfsburger Autohersteller. Der 63-Jährige habe sich mit dem Aufsichtsrat darauf verständigt, Ende August auszuscheiden, teilte der VW-Konzern am Freitagabend nach einer Aufsichtsratssitzung mit. Sein Nachfolger wird Porsche-Chef Oliver Blume. Der 54-Jährige soll den Stuttgarter Sportwagenhersteller und den VW-Konzern künftig in Personalunion führen.Damit ist für Herbert Diess nach sieben Jahren Schluss bei dem Wolfsburger Konzern. Er stand seit April 2018 an… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: VW boss Herbert Diess has to make room for Porsche boss Oliver Blume – “It’s a clean sack”004782