German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen secures its chip supply for years with a new cooperation004768

ID-Buzz Mit der neuen Kooperation sichert VW sich auch im Falle einer neuen Chipkrise ab. (Foto: Bloomberg) Volkswagen steigt tiefer ins Chipgeschäft ein. Am Dienstag verkündete Cariad, die Software-Einheit des Autobauers, eine Chip-Kooperation mit STMicroelectronics (ST). Mit dem Halbleiterhersteller will Cariad die Chips für VWs Software-Einheitsplattform E2.0 entwickeln. ST stellt die Chip-Architektur bereit, Cariad soll die… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Volkswagen secures its chip supply for years with a new cooperation004768

German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Continental exceeds analysts’ expectations, but is below the prior-year quarter004766

Continental logo The Hanover-based automotive supplier exceeded analyst forecasts in the second quarter. But the group continues to have problems restructuring its core business. (Photo: dpa) The automotive supplier Continental performed better operationally in the second quarter than analysts had expected. At EUR 9.4 billion, consolidated sales were around EUR 200 million higher than the… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: Continental exceeds analysts’ expectations, but is below the prior-year quarter004766

German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Traditional brand “Scout”: Scott Keogh heads the pick-up subsidiary of VW USA004764

Scott Keogh The regional head has been appointed CEO of “Scout”. (Photo: AP) Scott Keogh is to develop the newly founded Volkswagen subsidiary “Scout” in the USA and promote electromobility. The VW Group announced this on Tuesday evening. Keogh was previously regional head of VW North America. With the Scout brand, VW finally wants to… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Traditional brand “Scout”: Scott Keogh heads the pick-up subsidiary of VW USA004764

German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Scott Keogh to become CEO of Volkswagen’s Scout brand in USA004762

Scott Keogh The head of the Volkswagen North America region has been appointed CEO of Scout. (Photo: AP) Scott Keogh is to set up the newly founded company Scout in the USA and promote electromobility, according to a statement from VW on Tuesday. He was previously regional head of the Volkswagen North America region. Above… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Automaker: Scott Keogh to become CEO of Volkswagen’s Scout brand in USA004762

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: ZF is ahead in the race with Bosch, Conti and Schaeffler for the top spot in electronic steering004760

No connection to the wheels Electronic steering transmits the steering commands via signal. (Photo: ZF) It’s a sensitive topic: in the future, car steering wheels will no longer be mechanically connected to the front wheels. Airplane pilots once found it difficult to reconcile the fact that with “Fly-by-Wire” they were no longer physically connected to… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: ZF is ahead in the race with Bosch, Conti and Schaeffler for the top spot in electronic steering004760

German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: ZF is ahead in the race with Bosch, Conti and Schaeffler for the top spot in electronic steering004758

No connection to the wheels Electronic steering transmits the steering commands via signal. (Photo: ZF) It’s a sensitive topic: in the future, car steering wheels will no longer be mechanically connected to the front wheels. Airplane pilots once found it difficult to reconcile the fact that with “Fly-by-Wire” they were no longer physically connected to… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: ZF is ahead in the race with Bosch, Conti and Schaeffler for the top spot in electronic steering004758

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: These brands belong to the VW Group004756

In terms of market capitalization, the Volkswagen Group is the second largest group in Germany after SAP. The company was founded in Wolfsburg in 1937 and has been a stock corporation since 1960. Ten brands from five European countries now belong to the group, which produce their vehicles at around 120 production sites across Europe.… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: These brands belong to the VW Group004756

German Handelsblatt: Dispute in the Volkswagen Group: VW wants to sell e-cars on its own account – dealers demand more money004754

Unter den Händlern des Volkswagen-Konzerns wächst die Unzufriedenheit Autohaus im westfälischen Rheda-Wiedenbrück: Volkswagen-Händler verlangen höhere Provisionen im Agenturmodell. (Foto: IMAGO/Future Image) Der Volkswagen-Konzern und seine deutschen Vertriebspartner streiten um Provisionen. Mehr als 800 Händler der Marken VW, Audi, Skoda und Seat verlangen mehr Geld für ihre Dienste, wenn sie im Namen des Konzerns dessen Fahrzeuge verkaufen.… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Dispute in the Volkswagen Group: VW wants to sell e-cars on its own account – dealers demand more money004754

German Handelsblatt: Hydrogen as a car drive: BMW relies on the fuel cell – almost all other car manufacturers sort them out004752

Hydrogen truck from Daimler in trial operation The hydrogen truck GenH2 from Daimler as a prototype: The drive should get a chance on long-distance with the southern Germans. (Photo: dpa) The fuel cell as an automotive drive type is on the retreat worldwide. The battery car enjoys absolute priority in the world’s most important car… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Hydrogen as a car drive: BMW relies on the fuel cell – almost all other car manufacturers sort them out004752

German Handelsblatt: Porsche: Germany’s most profitable car manufacturer polishes up for the stock market004751

Porsche will Investoren den für das Jahresende geplanten Börsengang schmackhaft machen – und zwar mit einem starken Wachstum und mehr Unabhängigkeit von der Konzernmutter Volkswagen. „Porsche befindet sich in einer einzigartigen Marktposition“, sagte Vorstandschef Oliver Blume am Montag auf einem Investorentag.Einerseits biete Porsche Exklusivität und verbinde dabei Luxus mit Sport. Mit einer Jahresfertigung von 300.000… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Porsche: Germany’s most profitable car manufacturer polishes up for the stock market004751