German Handelsblatt: Human rights violations: IG Metall demands withdrawal of VW from the Uyghur region of Xinjiang004499

VW-Werk in Xinjiang Der Konzern steht schon seit Langem wegen seiner Präsenz in der Uiguren-Region in der Kritik. (Foto: dpa) Erstmals wird auch aus dem VW-Aufsichtsrat heraus Kritik am fortgesetzten Betrieb der umstrittenen Fabrik in der chinesischen Provinz Xinjiang geäußert. Die IG Metall fordert von Volkswagen den Rückzug aus der Uiguren-Region. „Inzwischen gibt es kaum einen… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Human rights violations: IG Metall demands withdrawal of VW from the Uyghur region of Xinjiang004499

German Handelsblatt: Fuel consumption: Porsche concludes million-dollar settlement with US plaintiffs004498

Porsche headquarters in Stuttgart US owners get compensation of up to $ 1110 per Porsche for allegedly false information on fuel consumption. (Photo: DPA) Porsche accepts a compromise in the legal dispute over allegedly misleading fuel consumption data for hundreds of thousands of cars in the USA. Porsche has concluded a settlement to settle civil… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Fuel consumption: Porsche concludes million-dollar settlement with US plaintiffs004498

German Handelsblatt: Violation of human rights: IG Metall demands withdrawal of VW from the Uyghur region of Xinjiang004495

VW-Werk in Xinjiang Der Konzern steht schon seit langem wegen seiner Präsenz in der Uiguren-Region in der Kritik. (Foto: dpa) Erstmals wird auch aus dem VW-Aufsichtsrat heraus Kritik am fortgesetzten Betrieb der umstrittenen Fabrik in der chinesischen Provinz Xinjiang geäußert. Die IG Metall fordert von Volkswagen den Rückzug aus der Uiguren-Region. „Inzwischen gibt es kaum einen… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Violation of human rights: IG Metall demands withdrawal of VW from the Uyghur region of Xinjiang004495

German Handelsblatt: Fuel consumption: Porsche concludes million-dollar settlement with US plaintiffs004494

Porsche headquarters in Stuttgart US owners get compensation of up to $ 1110 per Porsche for allegedly false information on fuel consumption. (Photo: DPA) Porsche accepts a compromise in the legal dispute over allegedly misleading fuel consumption data for hundreds of thousands of cars in the USA. Porsche has concluded a settlement to settle civil… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Fuel consumption: Porsche concludes million-dollar settlement with US plaintiffs004494

German Handelsblatt: Human rights violations: IG Metall questions VW plant in Xinjiang004492

VW factory in Xinjiang The group has long been criticized for its presence in the Uyghur region. (Photo: dpa) IG Metall is demanding that Volkswagen withdraw from the Uyghur region in China, where the carmaker has a car factory. “Meanwhile there is hardly any doubt that human rights violations are taking place in Xinjiang,” said… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Human rights violations: IG Metall questions VW plant in Xinjiang004492

German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Dispute over trademark rights: Audi is suing Chinese newcomer Nio004490

Chinesische Autohersteller drängen verstärkt nach Europa. Das läuft nicht immer konfliktfrei. Aktuell sucht Audi die juristische Auseinandersetzung mit einem der Elektro-Newcomer aus China. Die VW-Premiumtochter hat Klage bei einem Münchener Gericht gegen Nio eingereicht, wie Konzernkreise berichten. Mit einigen der erstmals in Europa angebotenen Modelle würden Markenrechte von Audi verletzt.Konkret geht es um zwei Nio-SUV… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Dispute over trademark rights: Audi is suing Chinese newcomer Nio004490

German Handelsblatt: Language dispute: Audi employee complains about gender language: “He wants to be left alone with it”004489

Plaintiffs against gender language Plaintiff Alexander B. is bothered by the fact that Audi sends him emails with gender forms such as the underscore (“employees”). (Photo: dpa) In the dispute between a VW employee and the subsidiary Audi about gender language in the company, the Ingolstadt company rejected a compromise. Removing the underscores from all… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Language dispute: Audi employee complains about gender language: “He wants to be left alone with it”004489

German Handelsblatt: Language dispute: Audi employee complains about gender language: “He wants to be left alone with it”004488

Plaintiffs against gender language Plaintiff Alexander B. is bothered by the fact that Audi sends him emails with gender forms such as the underscore (“employees”). (Photo: dpa) In the dispute between a VW employee and the subsidiary Audi about gender language in the company, the Ingolstadt-based company rejected a compromise. Removing the underscores from all… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Language dispute: Audi employee complains about gender language: “He wants to be left alone with it”004488

German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: Hearing on allegations of slave labor against VW in Brazil begins004486

VW cattle farm in Brazil Did the Wolfsburg group employ forced labourers? (Photo: picture alliance / Wolfgang Weihs) A hearing has begun in the Brazilian capital of Brasília about possible slave labor on an Amazon farm owned by a subsidiary of Volkswagen do Brasil in the 1970s and 80s. This was confirmed by the responsible… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Volkswagen: Hearing on allegations of slave labor against VW in Brazil begins004486

German Handelsblatt: Language dispute: Audi rejects compromise in gender language process004484

Plaintiffs against gender language Complainant Alexander B. is bothered by the fact that gender forms such as the underscore (“employees”) are to be used in communication with him. (Photo: dpa) A Volkswagen employee defends himself in court against the gender language at the subsidiary Audi. Before the district court in Ingolstadt on Tuesday, the plaintiff… Continue reading German Handelsblatt: Language dispute: Audi rejects compromise in gender language process004484