Mercedes manufacturer: pressure on Daimler in diesel affair increases

Daimler In total, there are five national judgments against the Swabian vehicle manufacturer, but they are not yet legally binding. (Photo: AP) Munich, Düsseldorf When Anja Hillmer bought her Mercedes-C class two years ago, she had no idea what was wrong. Although the diesel scandal at that time for some time headlines, but that was… Continue reading Mercedes manufacturer: pressure on Daimler in diesel affair increases

Autonomous Driving: The BMW-Daimler-Plan – Autoriesen examine close cooperation

BMW Vision iNeXT More than 1,000 engineers are developing the new vehicle on a campus north of Munich. The planned for 2021 electric SUV should dominate the automated driving and at least on motorways for a long time without drivers get along. (Photo: BMW Group / Enes Kucevic) MunichThe rivalry between Daimler and BMW is… Continue reading Autonomous Driving: The BMW-Daimler-Plan – Autoriesen examine close cooperation

Autonomous driving: The BMW-Daimler-Plan cars are testing close cooperation

BMW Vision iNeXT More than 1,000 engineers are developing the new vehicle on a campus north of Munich. The planned for 2021 electric SUV should dominate the automated driving and at least on motorways for a long time without drivers get along. (Photo: BMW Group / Enes Kucevic) MunichThe rivalry between Daimler and BMW is… Continue reading Autonomous driving: The BMW-Daimler-Plan cars are testing close cooperation

Price increases: VW to small cars with electric drive – “The current price level is unstoppable”

Volkswagen e-up “We have the clear goal of making electromobility accessible to a broad section of the population, which means making it affordable.” (VW Supervisory Board Chairman Hans Dieter Pötsch) (Photo: AP) BerlinWith the switch to electric cars also threatens VW an end to the low-income “affordable” Volkswagen. The pointed supervisory board boss Hans Dieter… Continue reading Price increases: VW to small cars with electric drive – “The current price level is unstoppable”

VW Group: US authorities accuse four former Audi executives in the diesel scandal

DüsseldorfThe US judicial authorities want in the diesel scandal of the VolkswagenGroup now also former executives of Audi hold to account. A grand jury in the state of Michigan has filed charges against four executives, including ex-CEO Stefan Knirsch and former diesel engine development chief Richard Bauder. The quartet is accused in twelve cases of… Continue reading VW Group: US authorities accuse four former Audi executives in the diesel scandal

Diesel scandal: German states want to sue for damages from VW

Volkswagen Bavaria claims damages for about 1000 VW vehicles in the country’s fleet. (Photo: AP) DüsseldorfBayern is a loyal customer of VolkswagenGroup, thousands of state officials drive cars VW– and Audi-Logo. But loyalty has its limits. The company has deceived environmental authorities, registration offices and car customers in the exhaust gas scandal – including the… Continue reading Diesel scandal: German states want to sue for damages from VW

Trade Union: Warning strike in Hungarian Audi plant

Audi The Volkswagen subsidiary operates one of its largest plants in Hungary. (Photo: AP) BudapestIn the wage dispute on the Hungarian Audi-Location in Györ employees want increase the pressure with a warning strike. The union responsible, representing more than half of the more than 12,000 employees at the plant, called for a two-hour shutdown on… Continue reading Trade Union: Warning strike in Hungarian Audi plant

VW subsidiary: US justice sued four ex-Audi managers in the exhaust scandal

Audi Employees of the VW subsidiary must be responsible in connection with the diesel scandal. (Photo: Reuters) WashingtonThe US judicial authorities want in the Exhaust scandal of the Volkswagen Group now also presumed responsible of Audi hold to account. Against four ex-employees of VW subsidiary An indictment was filed, as the competent court in Detroit… Continue reading VW subsidiary: US justice sued four ex-Audi managers in the exhaust scandal

Emissions: VW pays millions in the exhaust gas scandal in India

Volkswagen in India After flaring up the manipulations, Volkswagen India recalled more than 320,000 cars in December 2015 (Photo: AP) New Delhi, WolfsburgVolkswagen deposited in India because of the exhaust gas scandal a payment of approximately 12.3 million euros. The company sticks however with the opinion that all cars with in India applicable emission standards… Continue reading Emissions: VW pays millions in the exhaust gas scandal in India

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Largest supplier in Europe: Daimler and BMW set up car sharing center in Berlin

Car2go and DriveNow The concept of the new joint venture also includes automated driving. (Photo: AP) BerlinDaimler and BMW want their mobility services from Berlin out of control. Daimler-Boss Dieter Zetsche said on Thursday in Berlin that the headquarters of the new joint venture should sit in the capital. Last had the US Competition Authority… Continue reading Largest supplier in Europe: Daimler and BMW set up car sharing center in Berlin