Hans Dieter Pötsch: VW supervisory board boss criticizes bad charging network for e-cars

Hans Dieter Pötsch The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen wants a faster charging speed for e-vehicles. (Photo: AP) Volkswagen-Aufsichtsratschef Hans Dieter Pötsch sees electromobility still a number of obstacles on the way to a real breakthrough in Germany. The still too thin network of stores in the Federal Republic is thereby the most… Continue reading Hans Dieter Pötsch: VW supervisory board boss criticizes bad charging network for e-cars

Auto parts supplier: Scheider to become new boss at ZF Friedrichshafen

Wolf-Henning Scheider At Mahle, Scheider pushed ahead with the transformation towards electromobility. His expertise is needed at ZF Friedrichshafen. (Photo: AP) Mahle boss Wolf-Henning Scheider (55) is the favorite on the vacant executive chair at ZF Friedrichshafen. An official confirmation of the company does not exist yet. According to information from industry circles Scheider but… Continue reading Auto parts supplier: Scheider to become new boss at ZF Friedrichshafen

Volkswagen: VW core brand reorganizes dealer network

VW The Volkswagen Group brand VW Passenger wants to create new opportunities for the trading partners. (Photo: AP) The Volkswagen-Konzernmarke VW Passenger Cars is re-launching its dealer network in Europe with a focus on e-mobility and networking. The aim is to keep the trade as an “elementary interface to the customer”, said Brand Sales Director… Continue reading Volkswagen: VW core brand reorganizes dealer network

Opel: temporary workers should be replaced by workers from Poland

Opelwerk in Russelsheim The French auto company PSA had already announced last November, a recovery plan for the acquired carmaker Opel. (Photo: Reuters) The carmaker Opel replaces an unknown number of temporary workers at its Rüsselsheim headquarters by regular employees from the Polish site in Gliwice. The plant there is currently only weakly utilized, so… Continue reading Opel: temporary workers should be replaced by workers from Poland

Halberg casting: VW Schreck Prevent buys

Automotive supplier Prevent The supplier group became known in the summer of 2016 due to its dispute with the Volkswagen Group. (Photo: AP) The German-Bosnian automotive supplier group Prevent surprises with another acquisition. Prevent takes over the medium-sized casting company Halberg Guss from Saarbrücken, as the supplier confirmed on Monday. For the purchase price, both… Continue reading Halberg casting: VW Schreck Prevent buys

Groko soundings: Daimler boss calls for more flexible working hours law

Dieter Zetsche Dieter Zetsche praises the leaders of the CDU, CSU and SPD. But he also has demands for a future government. (Photo: AP) Daimler-Boss Dieter Zetsche has praised the CDU, CSU and SPD for the Europa Passages in the exploratory paper and called for deeper cooperation in the EU. “Now is the time to… Continue reading Groko soundings: Daimler boss calls for more flexible working hours law

Diesel sales: Mercedes will sell more diesel cars in 2017

Mercedes Benz In the past year, the market share of diesel cars fell in 2017 to 38.8 percent from 45.9 percent. In absolute terms, this is a drop of just over 200,000 to 1.33 million cars. (Photo: Reuters) Despite the general decline in demand for diesel passenger cars in Germany, Mercedes-Benz was able to boost… Continue reading Diesel sales: Mercedes will sell more diesel cars in 2017

VW Chief Sales Officer: E-mobility is making rapid progress in the USA

Jürgen Stackmann “In terms of charging infrastructure, a lot is happening in the country, which means that the barriers to entry into electromobility are falling,” said the VW board member. (Photo: AP) Despite the enthusiasm of the Americans for SUVs and heavy pickup trucks will, according to estimates of VWBoard member Jürgen Stackmann E-Mobility in… Continue reading VW Chief Sales Officer: E-mobility is making rapid progress in the USA

“We will take care of white spots”: ZF thinks after debt reduction back to acquisitions

ZF Friedrichshafen “If we spot white spots, then we’ll take care of it.” (Photo: AP) The auto supplier ZF Friedrichshafen can imagine larger takeovers after reducing its debt burden. The US billion purchase TRW is now almost completed, said since December acting CEO Konstantin Sauer on Sunday (local time) in the context of the US… Continue reading “We will take care of white spots”: ZF thinks after debt reduction back to acquisitions