Apple acquires self-driving vehicle start-up

A vehicle trundling around Texas Apple has acquired self-driving vehicle start-up for an undisclosed sum. On Tuesday, Apple told Axios that it had hired dozens of engineers to boost its own self-driving efforts. The iPhone maker also purchased the autonomous vehicles’ fleet and other assets of the company as part of the… Continue reading Apple acquires self-driving vehicle start-up

Tesla Model 3 navigation security flaw enables hackers to take control of Autopilot

Security researchers claim to have been able to hack into the navigation system of a Tesla Model 3, getting the vehicle to turn itself on.  In early June, security specialists from Regulus conducted a test drive of the vehicle using its autopilot feature and discovered a potentially lethal security flaw. Tesla Model 3 was successfully… Continue reading Tesla Model 3 navigation security flaw enables hackers to take control of Autopilot

Football clubs look to recycled car batteries to power floodlights

Old electric vehicle batteries retain enough capacity to light up a game Six European football stadiums are experimenting with deploying used car batteries to power their floodlights. The battery packs, comprised of used electric car batteries, are being supplied by Eaton, the US-based electrical systems firm. Eaton vice-president Craig McDonnell could not reveal the clubs… Continue reading Football clubs look to recycled car batteries to power floodlights

Ocado ‘going into production’ imminently on robotic hands

Ocado’s robotic hand technology is about to be put to work Ocado is set to go into production on the robotic hands technology developed with the SOMA project. The hands will be combined with the vision systems Ocado developed in-house and will put the resulting robots to work in the company’s warehouses.  That’s according to… Continue reading Ocado ‘going into production’ imminently on robotic hands

Uber: ‘Aggressive’ drivers are bullying our self-driving cars

People are being mean to self-driving vehicles, says Uber’s Eric Meyhofer “Aggressive” drivers and pedestrians are bullying self-driving vehicles, according to Uber advanced technologies group head Eric Meyhofer. The company has even recorded people hurling abuse at its autonomous vehicles, according to Meyhofer. Meyhofer was speaking at Uber’s Elevate conference in Washington DC. “We’ve seen people bully… Continue reading Uber: ‘Aggressive’ drivers are bullying our self-driving cars

Google buys analytics specialist Looker in $2.6bn cash deal

Google adds data analyticis and visualisation chops Google has announced that it is acquiring data analytics firm Looker for $2.6 billion. It will be Google’s third-largest purchase in its 21-year history and biggest since Nest deal in 2014. It will also be the first major deal for Thomas Kurian, who joined the company last year… Continue reading Google buys analytics specialist Looker in $2.6bn cash deal

Microsoft withdraws facial recognition database of 100,000 people

Microsoft has withdrawn a facial recognition database featuring 10 million images of 100,000 people following claims it was being used by the military and the companies in China behind the repressive surveillance in Xinjiang province. The database, labelled MS Celeb, was published in 2016. Microsoft claimed that it was the largest facial recognition dataset in… Continue reading Microsoft withdraws facial recognition database of 100,000 people

Nvidia slams Intel over unrealistic deep-learning benchmark tests

Nvidia has hit out at Intel claiming that a benchmark test it performed to beat Nvida’s Tesla GPUs at inference workloads was “misleading”. The company claims that the test required up to $100,000 of energy-hungry hardware in order to best a Nvidia Tesla V100 GPU. “It’s not every day that one of the world’s leading… Continue reading Nvidia slams Intel over unrealistic deep-learning benchmark tests