Much Loved British Sports Car Brand TVR Returns

Revered British sports car brand TVR is to make a welcome return to Britain after its owner, Russian businessman Nikolai Smolensky, agreed to sell the brand rights and all other assets to a syndicate of British investors.

Revered British sports car brand TVR is to make a welcome return to Britain after its owner, Russian businessman Nikolai Smolensky, agreed to sell the brand rights and all other assets to a syndicate of British investors.

The syndicate, incorporated as ‘TVR Automotive Ltd.’, now owns all TVR’s IP including its global trademarks, patents and designs. Also included in the sale were the entirety of TVR’s physical assets, including engines, chassis, jigs, body parts and spares, together with large amounts of historical documentation in both hard and soft copy formats.

Commenting on the acquisition, Chairman of TVR Automotive Les Edgar said, “It’s a tremendously exciting day and superb news for TVR enthusiasts and owners at home and abroad. Having lamented the demise of the famous Blackpool-based company, lovers of British sports cars everywhere now have something to celebrate. TVR is back where it belongs.”

Reflecting on the process of landing the brand back in Britain, the investors have put on record their thanks to Nikolai Smolensky for clearing the way for the acquisition and sincerely appreciate the cooperation received.

For his part, Mr. Smolensky added, “I am pleased to see TVR returning to its home country and, along with all sports car fans, look forward to what’s coming next. I’m confident TVR Automotive will do a great job.”

Les Edgar continued, “Our intention is to build new TVRs in the best traditions of the much loved classics. Planning is well under way for all-new cars, but we also intend to support the existing TVR community. Owners, enthusiasts and specialist engineering firms have kept the thunder rumbling these past few years and we’re looking forward to meeting and building great relationships with everyone.”

TVR Remains Firm Gaming Favourite

Over recent months we've been delighted to have been contacted by so many leading video game companies. A stunning new generation of driving games is upon us and yet it seems the old rules still apply; thrill-seeking players must be able to race all the most desirable cars.

Over recent months we've been delighted to have been contacted by so many leading video game companies. A stunning new generation of driving games is upon us and yet it seems the old rules still apply; thrill-seeking players must be able to race all the most desirable cars.

So, just what goes up against the world’s exotic supercars? Which insolent rebel from the past still dares keep company with the likes of the all-new MacLaren P1 or the La Ferrari? Well, it’s thrilling (though perhaps not entirely surprising) to announce that Ubisoft, Sony and Microsoft among others have all chosen TVR for their highly anticipated next-generation console games – The Crew, Gran Turismo 6 and Forza 5. Notably, other game developers in the App space have also chosen TVR to bring added excitement to their mobile offerings. In fact, we’ve signed multiple licences so whatever your preferred platform, whatever your game of choice, chances are you can race a Tuscan, a Sag, even a Typhon against a Lambo or perhaps one of Stuttgart’s finest, with hitherto unseen levels of realism.

Like so many others out there, we love seeing classic TVRs take on the mid-engined, the active-aero’d, the turbo’d and the supercharged. But make no mistake – what we’re really going to love seeing is our new cars adding some impertinent zest to the grid in the next generation of games. For the avoidance of doubt, that means real cars as well as virtual ones are on their way…

TVR Launch Edition to include Carbon

TVR Newsletter, December 2015: Styling, Cosworth engine testing, and expectations for 2016

TVR Newsletter, December 2015: Styling, Cosworth engine testing, and expectations for 2016

Dear TVRists,

Well, it’s been a while since the last update and apologies for that – time flies when you’re having fun, as they say, and we’ve been spectacularly busy on all aspects of the development process and production logistics. There are some major announcements on these fronts which we’ll be able to share (and really look forward to sharing!) with you early in the new year, and in the meantime we thought you’d like to hear a bit about some of the exciting stuff we’ve been up to.

Car Styling
Looking great! It’s certainly a long process though — there is so much devil in the detail, so much work involved in getting everything to work together properly, to proper modern day standards of fit finish and aero, not to say legislative requirement, while at the same time doing proper justice (in all respects) to TVR’s lineage and DNA. Hundreds of iterations in, we are at the point where we have a number of final concepts differing now only in relatively small detail, with only a few decisions left to be made. Suffice to say we’re pretty happy with where we are! Incidentally, it may be interesting to know that while we have been using the very latest state of the art CAD software, in parallel we have been working with ‘old fashioned’ physical seating bucks and scale clay models – in fact far from old fashioned, as even the most modern (read young!) designer will readily confirm that it’s impossible to get the full impact and experience of a physical object via a virtual experience, no matter how good the CAD software is.

One of the great advantages when using the Gordon Murray iStream technology is that the body design can be finalised much later than that of a traditionally ‘stamped’ car. The body is essentially non-structural and – provided we don’t impinge on the structural hard points (God forbid – Gordon’s not one for compromise I’m happy to say!) – it can be finally finessed in tandem with the rest of the car.

Speaking of the chassis, you may be aware that Gordon Murray announced at the Tokyo Motor show last month (November 2015) the introduction of iStream Carbon. I guess you may be wondering whether this amazing, exciting new technology will be available as an option on the new TVR… well the good news is that IT WILL and (in line with our promises that early adopters would be treated exceptionally well) it is scheduled to be included as a NO COST option on the LE car!

In terms of timing, we have received a number of enquiries regarding delivery slots and general production timing. In order to be able to tell you when the first cars are going to be delivered, and therefore your place in the queue, there are a number of things that need to be determined. In our next update we will announce the factory location. This has been something we have spent a lot of time on recently. There are a number of important considerations for TVR when deciding where the new home should be. It wasn’t a decision to be taken lightly – we didn’t want the location chosen simply because we could build a large shed with grant money. We wanted it to be a statement of our future intent, a place our customers would want to visit, and most of all somewhere all of us associated with TVR – the whole community – can rightly be proud to call TVR’s home. We are very close to achieving that milestone in our plan – to make TVR the coolest, hardest-performing hand-built British sports car once more. This time though, it won’t just be designed and built with passion, it’ll be engineered to perform the way no other TVR has done to date. It will be class-leading, mainly because it will define its own class, as TVR has always done and you’d need to spend £1/4 million to find a worthy opponent. A Sagaris wouldn’t even see which way it went. (Speaking as an adoring Sag owner, I hope that that excites you just as much as it does me!)

Once we have announced the factory location together with some other car specifics regarding the car such as price, minimum performance details, and some further details on the styling/packaging, that will also be the point at which we propose to announce the closing of the order book for the LE cars. This announcement will come in the first half of 2016. Once that announcement is made, we will be confirming orders that have already been placed using our deposit system (I want one of those monsters!) and will be able confirm relative positions in the queue.

Engine development
Steve Cropley from Autocar was present when we fired up an early version of one of our V8 engines at Cosworth’s Northampton facility – see it here: Fire up the Cossie. This was the first official showing of the engine, and the first time we had started the unit that will form the initial race car test mule. Clearly there is a lot of work still to do but we’re really pleased with the progress particularly as some of the development work on this unit has flowed back into the road car design, resulting in an expectation of a further additional increase in power for the LE car. The dyno simulated a lap of Le Mans and has the ability to simulate the effect of topography and gear change, and while the unit was not running with either our race or road transmission set up, and the correct aero for the car could not be correctly simulated (’cos we haven’t finished it yet ;0) – the results were very respectable, nonetheless. And we broke the dyno! However, our focus is very much on the road car at the moment and importantly, I am pleased to report that the power and torque figures and delivery characteristics are very much on target.

The mule car has been munching the miles over the last few months, testing the durability of the engine and drive-train combo. Next step is to combine the complete power train with our chassis into a mule for further testing – given the body is independent of the chassis and running gear, perhaps something familiar could be seen around the Northampton area soon… (…and yes, before you say it, with wheels, chassis, engine, small stickers etc!)

So in essence, you can expect an update on the following early in 2016:

Production – Factory location, ancillary benefits & timing; LE car order book closing details; order confirmations and relative queue positions
Body Styling – further detail of the final design/packaging
Performance – power and torque figures and minimum production deliverables for top speed and acceleration, and kerb weight
Pricing – LE car pricing confirmation
Options – confirmation of basic options including no-cost carbon LE

Well, that’s about it for the moment and I’d like to finish off by thanking you for your incredible support during 2015, and wishing you a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year from all of us at TVR.

Exciting times now, and ahead!

Les Edgar
Chairman, TVR Manufacturing Ltd

TVR Helps Establish TVR Parts Ltd

In order to help guarantee both quality and continuity of supply of TVR Genuine Parts, and to give customers confidence in the source of those Parts, TVR is pleased to announce the launch of TVR Parts Limited as part of an exclusive worldwide agreement.

In order to help guarantee both quality and continuity of supply of TVR Genuine Parts, and to give customers confidence in the source of those Parts, TVR is pleased to announce the launch of TVR Parts Limited as part of an exclusive worldwide agreement.

Recognising the demand for genuine spares amongst trade and owners alike, TVR has spent many months working on the recently launched TVR Genuine Parts initiative. In tandem, and to guarantee the ongoing availability of original and carefully remanufactured parts well into the future, TVR has decided to assist in the setting up of a single distribution source – ‘TVR Parts Limited’.

Newly incorporated this summer, TVR Parts is fully licensed by TVR as the exclusive supplier of TVR Genuine Parts worldwide. Since none of the old licences or parts distribution agreements remain in force, things in future will be nice and simple. From now on, if you’re after a TVR Genuine Part then the sole source will be TVR Parts.

TVR Parts is already operational, and there are plans for further expansion of its services and facilities, including a new 12,000 sq.ft. warehouse. Furthermore, the plans are to increase the range of stock held over the coming months and years, growing to over 250,000 parts from some 5,000 line items always being available.

TVR has also granted TVR Parts access to its archives including the factory’s comprehensive databases of models and part numbers going back decades, so ensuring a solid knowledge base and future support for the TVR community.

You can read more about TVR Parts and browse the available stock at, where you can also set up an account and order online.

TVR Accepting Deposits for its New 2017 Car

TVR to accept deposits for its new 2017 car in view of unprecedented enthusiasm and demand following announcement of the new car.

TVR to accept deposits for its new 2017 car in view of unprecedented enthusiasm and demand following announcement of the new car.

We have to say that we have been delighted – indeed bowled over – by the tremendous positive reaction to the announcement of our plans for the new TVR, and in particular the huge number of positive expressions of desire to place an order and to secure a place in the production queue. In order to satisfy that desire, and as it will assist us in planning the early years ahead, we have brought forward our plans to accept formal deposits against allocated build slots for the new car, in order of date of application.

We are very aware of the historic issues surrounding previous owners of the marque and issues over deposits, and can assure that these will not be repeated. If you are uncomfortable placing a deposit at this stage, we respect that. However, we should advise that from the expressions of interest to date we are confident that at least the first year’s production run will quickly be sold out. A small measure of risk isn’t for everyone, and we appreciate that, but we are very well backed, and here to stay.

The deposit scheme will go live at midday on July 7th 2015.

Here are some examples of the great coverage we have received since the announcement of the car.

Top Gear

Is my deposit refundable?
Yes, until you place your formal order (once specifications and options have been announced), you will be able to apply for a refund. There will be no deductions for administration fees or the like by TVR, although there may be charges/deductions by bank or credit card companies. All we ask is that if you place a deposit, you do so in good faith.

Is my money at risk?
No – we would never allow that to be the case. We are well funded, and are here to stay! The deposit line has opened in response to a large number of requests from potential customers wishing to place a deposit on the basis of the information currently available both in the motoring press and on our website. If you do not consider this to be sufficient for you to decide whether or not you should place a deposit, we recommend you do not do so. However, if you pay by credit card, your payment is guaranteed by the credit card company.

What is the Launch Edition?
The Launch Edition, or LE (no prizes!), is a limited run with extra specification and special features at a discounted price against the usual list price for that specification, to celebrate the marque’s return to production in its 70th birthday year.

If I order a car now do I have to have a Launch Edition?
No, you can exercise a choice when placing your order. This can be changed later on. Once the slots have been sold a waiting list will be maintained in case any LE orders are varied or cancelled.

Is it permissible to place multiple deposits?
We are aware that some individuals may intend to place two deposits – ‘one to keep, one to sell’. Acceptance of more than 2 deposits from one individual or organisation is subject to prior discussion. We are aware that there is likely to be a profit opportunity from selling on build slots, but wish to keep that aspect contained to a reasonably measured degree – we want the cars to go to enthusiasts at the right price, not via speculators making multiple turns.

Will I be able to sell, or ‘flip’, my deposit?
Yes – this will be allowed – but only once per buyer save by prior arrangement.

There is no formal specification or price list yet – how can I be sure I want one?
If you don’t agree that the new car is a giant slayer, a TVR in every way, and incredible value for money, and you decide you don’t want to proceed with a formal order, we’ll give you your money back – no problem.

I’d Like to place a deposit on a convertible – can I do that now?
We are not yet taking deposits for convertible cars.

Will there be a LHD drive version at launch?

Will the launch car meet legislation in my country?
The first car will initially be manufactured to EC SSTA (EU Small Series Type Approval) specifications and as such will be available in all EU countries and be available in right or left-hand drive versions.

In due course we will manufacture to further international standards. However, the launch model will need to be purchased in the EU and you will need to arrange for it to be individually exported and undertake whatever local type approvals are required to register the car locally yourself.

We are happy for you to place a deposit on a car in order to secure a place in the queue now while you investigate this further, and should you discover that it is unlikely that you would be unable to import the car then we will happily refund the deposit.

How will I know what my position in the queue is?
We will not be announcing specific positions at this stage, but broadly speaking, your position is determined at the time we receive cleared funds for your deposit. However, as credit card companies, banks and cheques can take varying times to clear funds, there may be a discrepancy between when you authorise your payment and when we actually receive the funds.

Apply for Certificate of Conformity online

We continue to receive a steady stream of requests for CoCs (Certificates of Conformity) from individual TVR owners around the world.

We continue to receive a steady stream of requests for CoCs (Certificates of Conformity) from individual TVR owners around the world.

Usually we can help supply the Official information needed and we’ll always try extremely hard to help people satisfy the various requirements imposed by different countries.

Those interested in our Conformity service can now use our online form to get started with their request. We may need to come back with further questions, but receipt of a fully completed online form will go a long way towards helping things get off to a flying start. The form can be found here, on our website.

Existing TVR owners, your assistance is requested

Do you own a TVR? Is it a clean and generally unmodified example as the factory would have supplied? If the answer is yes then we would welcome you to make contact as we will be arranging a professional photoshoot to bolster the TVR graphic archives for some exciting future projects and your car could be the star!

Do you own a TVR? Is it a clean and generally unmodified example as the factory would have supplied? If the answer is yes then we would welcome you to make contact as we will be arranging a professional photoshoot to bolster the TVR graphic archives for some exciting future projects and your car could be the star!

Multiple photos will be taken of each vehicle involved, together with the recording of additional details, including possibly some video and this material will form a key part of a future presentation.

More details will follow but if you wish to be considered to take part, please contact us at marking the subject field with “Heritage Photoshoot” followed by your TVR variant (for example, “Heritage Photoshoot – Sagaris” or “Heritage Photoshoot – Cerbera”) and please also include a colour image of your car within the email. (A JPEG of at least 640 x 480 resolution is preferred.)

We wish to cover all variants of TVR, so please don’t be shy. Once we have a large enough field of applicants we will provide and request more details by return.

London Motor Show – Battersea Evolution, 5–8 May 2016

Following a very successful London Motor Show, we are pleased to report continued great interest in the new TVR

Following a very successful London Motor Show, we are pleased to report continued great interest in the new TVR

Following a very successful London Motor Show held at Battersea Evolution, we are pleased to report continued great interest in the new TVR, from the press, the trade, and private individuals alike.

The Battersea show was the first public show that TVR have attended in almost 10 years, and everyone with whom we spoke indicated they had a great day and were enthused about the return of TVR to the sports car sector.

Our stand displayed both a beautiful 1966 Griffith 400 and also a full size model of the new car that is being used for ongoing development purposes. As some of the fine detail is still being finalised, the covers were not removed, despite several attempts by both onlookers and even Tiff Needell!

The initial unveiling will take place at an exclusive private event for depositors later this year, with the full public launch to follow in 2017.

With over 400 deposits already placed, there remain less than 100 positions available for the Launch Edition model – now confirmed to be limited to 500 cars – after which prospective purchasers will be able to join a reserve list should they choose to do so.

If you were unable to attend the show, please take a moment to look at our new YouTube channel, where you will find a video of a graphic reveal that was recently filmed at our design studio, and a 360° video from the Motor Show stand which can be interactively viewed with many mobile devices, or with the use of a mouse.

If you choose to subscribe to the YouTube channel, this will ensure that you do not miss any future video or live feed updates. You can also follow our Twitter feed.

TVR announces forthcoming production facility in South Wales and significant additional investment in the project

TVR today announces that it will build a production facility in Ebbw Vale Enterprise Zone, South Wales

TVR today announces that it will build a production facility in Ebbw Vale Enterprise Zone, South Wales

Resurgent British sports car maker, TVR, has announced today that its new production facility will be located in the Ebbw Vale Enterprise Zone in South Wales. The Welsh Government will also invest in the car maker, further enhancing this exciting manufacturing project which represents over £30 million of capital expenditure over the next five years.

The contracts to locate the new TVR factory in Wales were signed on the 18th March 2016 and the deal was officially announced by Rt. Hon Carwyn Jones, the First Minister of Wales, during a press conference this morning. Currently, TVR is looking at several specific options for the precise location of the factory, the outcome of which will be the subject of a separate announcement in the coming weeks.

Les Edgar, Chairman of TVR said: “This is a fantastic opportunity both for TVR and the Welsh Government. South Wales is becoming a major hub for automotive and motorsport technology and development and the area is a serious opportunity for business development and job creation. We have a sports car project that has garnered global approval and excitement, and we are delighted that the Welsh government wish to become a part of an exciting new era for TVR.”

The First Minister said: “This is yet another fantastic high profile investment for Wales and a great boost for our automotive sector. TVR is another iconic and much loved, world-class brand that still commands a strong and loyal international following. I am delighted the next generation of TVRs will proudly bear the label Made in Wales.

“Today’s news follows hot on the heels of the Aston Martin announcement and sends out a strong, clear message that Wales is the location of choice for advanced manufacturing. It also illustrates that our pro-business approach is delivering results, attracting significant investment and creating high quality jobs and it is another huge boost for Wales, for our automotive sector and for our skilled workforce.”

The new TVR project, which was announced in early 2015, has already secured in excess of 350 deposits for the fantastic new launch edition car, which features innovative design and styling that maintains the distinctive TVR DNA, but also includes F1 inspired, ground-effect technology. The chassis and body has been designed by Gordon Murray of Gordon Murray Design Ltd.and will be the first production car to be manufactured using their revolutionary iStream® assembly process. Power is provided by a Cosworth tuned and enhanced V8 engine. The Welsh factory will be busy fulfilling orders that already run through to the end of 2018.

Announcing TVR Genuine Parts

Whether you’re carrying out a full restoration or merely looking to replace a single, particular part for your cherished TVR, you’ll want the comfort of fitting genuine parts. But how can you be sure that’s what you’re getting?

Whether you’re carrying out a full restoration or merely looking to replace a single, particular part for your cherished TVR, you’ll want the comfort of fitting genuine parts. But how can you be sure that’s what you’re getting?

This was the recurring question put to us by concerned owners and workshops alike and, as the years went by after the Blackpool factory closed, the situation was becoming more confused and the future less certain. Now, with this new initiative, we hope to bring some confidence back to the market.

Firstly, we have examined the old stock of original parts. This comprises a mix of what was left in the stores after the Blackpool factory closed, together with stock from OEMs that historically supplied products for the old cars.

Then, discovering some parts no longer existed, we decided to open the TVR design archives and authorise the use of our extensive library of technical drawings (including nearly 100,000 CAD drawings). By doing so we hope to facilitate the remanufacture of replacement parts guaranteed to match, or exceed, the performance defined by the original specifications.

Together, this new and old stock is in the process of being packaged and labelled as ‘TVR GENUINE PARTS’.

And, to keep things as simple as possible, we have decided to licence a single source to supply and distribute all of them to anyone who needs them, anywhere in the world. This newly created single source is called ‘TVR Parts’, and you can read more about this initiative here.