We demand 5 percent more money in the automotive trade

At the beginning of May, the collective bargaining round starts in the car trade. For the employees in the car dealerships and workshops, we demand 5 percent more money. The remuneration of trainees should increase disproportionately by more than 5 percent. With this we want to secure the next generation and the skilled workers for… Continue reading We demand 5 percent more money in the automotive trade

Now also in the Saarland: 3.7 percent more money and days off

From June, employees in the Saarland steel industry will now receive 3.7 percent more money. For the months of April and May there is a one-off payment of 100 euros. From 2020, all employees will receive an additional tariff compensation of 1000 euros per year, which can be converted into optional days. The district management… Continue reading Now also in the Saarland: 3.7 percent more money and days off

Faurecia employees fight participation in the transformation

Their plant is to be converted into a modern digital pilot operation, fully automated, with robots. It starts on April 1st. In the next two years, the automotive supplier Faurecia is investing 1.3 million euros in its location in Scheuerfeld, Rhineland-Palatinate, where nearly 300 employees produce instrument panels for Mercedes, Opel and Volvo. The employees… Continue reading Faurecia employees fight participation in the transformation

Tariff commissions in the car trade want to demand 5 percent more money

The collective bargaining committees of the IG Metall want in the upcoming collective bargaining round in the car trade, inter alia, 5 percent demand more money, in addition to other regional claims components. Trainees will once again get a disproportionate amount of money to make the automotive trades more attractive to skilled workers. This recommendation… Continue reading Tariff commissions in the car trade want to demand 5 percent more money

Employer offer insufficient

2.5 percent more money as of April 1, 2019 – that’s what employers offer to around 72,000 employees in the Northwest German iron and steel industry. In addition, according to their offer, there should be an additional annual holiday allowance of 600 euros from 1 July 2020, which can be converted by a limited group… Continue reading Employer offer insufficient

Collective agreement textile and clothing West

13.02.2019 Ι In the West German textile industry, there will be 2.6 percent more money from August, another 2.3 percent more from September 2020 and a 340 euro one-time payment. The holiday pay rises in parallel. The trainees receive an extra plus. And the payment on partial retirement increases in two stages to 600 euros.… Continue reading Collective agreement textile and clothing West

02/2019,                    IG Metall calls for an appropriate offer following successful warning strikes in the textile and clothing industry

Since February 1, over 8,400 warning strikers from more than 90 companies in the Northwest German textile and clothing industry IG Metall demands appropriate offer in next collective bargaining 3. Collective bargaining takes place on February 12 in Bielefeld Frankfurt am Main – According to IG Metall, more than 8,400 employees from more than 90… Continue reading 02/2019,
                   IG Metall calls for an appropriate offer following successful warning strikes in the textile and clothing industry