German FAZ: The biggest blow from Washington is probably still in front of008999

The American President Donald Trump sent the share prices from car companies around the world on a downturn and questioned established trading flows and supply chains for decades. Imported tariffs of 25 percent – according to Trump’s Dekret signed on Wednesday evening – are to be collected from April 3 to all of the cars… Continue reading German FAZ: The biggest blow from Washington is probably still in front of008999

German FAZ: Do European Auto shares still have a future? 008998

FAZ+US Autozölle: Do European Auto shares still have a future? From F.A.Z.-Autors27.03.2025, 15:41 reading time: 5 min. Image description Folding out of Trump’s trading policy, the automotive industry presents a major challenge. Automobile stocks lose value, but there is no trace of panic. The sector has long been underweight in many depots. Go to source

German FAZ: Why is German design so ugly? 008997

FAZ+Auto industry in the crisis: Why is German design so ugly? 27.2025, 11: 46 reading time: 8 min. Fold out picture description A question of form: Is the crisis of the “Made in Germany” beyond energy costs and global recession also because many German products are simply very poor today – and the design is… Continue reading German FAZ: Why is German design so ugly? 008997

German FAZ: S-Bahn failures due to a lack of staff 008999

Wiesbaden. The majority of the state parliament in Wiesbaden decided to reform in local election law around a year before the next local elections in Hesse. Among other things, the voting count will change in the future. Schwarz-Rot voted for the opposition groups of Greens, AfD and FDP voted against it. According to the will of… Continue reading German FAZ: S-Bahn failures due to a lack of staff 008999

German FAZ: The long way of the better maker008998

FAZ+training of football talents: The long way is the better maker Hans-Joachim Leyenberg, Königstein27.03.2025, 13:20 reading time: 8 min. Image description Folding 1. FC-TSG Königstein attracts football talents from all over the Rhine-Main area. With a special training concept and a big promise. The U 15 is only “the tip of the iceberg”. Go to… Continue reading German FAZ: The long way of the better maker008998

German FAZ: Why is German design so ugly? 008997

FAZ+Auto industry in the crisis: Why is German design so ugly? 27.2025, 11: 46 reading time: 8 min. Fold out picture description A question of form: Is the crisis of the “Made in Germany” beyond energy costs and global recession also because many German products are simply very poor today – and the design is… Continue reading German FAZ: Why is German design so ugly? 008997

German FAZ: Trump’s tariffs also meet Hyundai and Toyota Hart008997

FAZ+shock in Asia: Trump’s tariffs also meet Hyundai and Toyota HART27.03.2025, 20:30 reading time: 3 min. Folding out the picture description with high investments and good relationships wanted to avert toyota, hyundai and other Asian car companies Trump’s tariffs. But now there is anger and disappointment. Go to source

German FAZ: Trump’s tariffs also meet Hyundai and Toyota Hart008998

FAZ+shock in Asia: Trump’s tariffs also meet Hyundai and Toyota HART27.03.2025, 20:30 reading time: 3 min. Folding out the picture description with high investments and good relationships wanted to avert toyota, hyundai and other Asian car companies Trump’s tariffs. But now there is anger and disappointment. Go to source

German FAZ: Of all things, Tesla is hardly affected by Auto-Zöllen008997

FAZ+Trump consultant Musk: Of all things, Tesla is hardly affected by Auto-Zöllen27.03.2025, 17:06 reading time: 3 min. Image description Folding out of the Autozölle also meet American manufacturers. The bottom line was that the company led by his consultant Elon Musk could give you a competitive advantage. The stock exchange reaction shows this. Go to… Continue reading German FAZ: Of all things, Tesla is hardly affected by Auto-Zöllen008997

German FAZ: The biggest blow from Washington is probably still in front of008999

The American President Donald Trump sent the share prices from car companies around the world on a downturn and questioned established trading flows and supply chains for decades. Imported tariffs of 25 percent – according to Trump’s Dekret signed on Wednesday evening – are to be collected from April 3 to all of the cars… Continue reading German FAZ: The biggest blow from Washington is probably still in front of008999