A Look Inside The Tesla Cold Weather Testing Facility

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Published on January 7th, 2019 |

by Steve Hanley

A Look Inside The Tesla Cold Weather Testing Facility


January 7th, 2019 by Steve Hanley

All automakers test their cars in cold conditions to see how freezing temperatures affect their operation. Tesla is no exception. It uses a cold temperature testing facility out in the middle of nowhere about 2 hours south of Fairbanks, Alaska. It is a private compound used by the military to test tanks and armored personnel carriers, among other things. Tesla has created its own test track at the site, complete with twisty roads, steep hills, and skid pads that allow its engineers to learn how well the cars handle slippery roads and Arctic conditions.

Photo by Kyle Field, CleanTechnica

Cold weather and electric cars are not friends. Batteries are like people. They are happiest when the temperature outside is between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold batteries don’t charge or discharge as fast as they do when they are warm. Heating systems eat up a lot of battery power. All those range estimates you see quoted by the EPA are determined by tests conducted indoors at room temperature with the heater and air conditioner turned off.

When a CNET Road Show writer visited the area — the first journalist allowed inside — he found the Model S P100D he was given to make the drive from Fairbanks to Delta Junction where the testing facility is located got about 30% less range than expected. Some of that may be attributed to the Pirelli Sottozero winter tires fitted to the car. Some of it may be due to snow and ice on the road surface. And some of it may be down to the heater working overtime to keep Stevens warm during the journey.

Most people who have driven an electric car in sub-freezing weather would probably not be surprised by the results. My 2015 Nissan LEAF also gets about 1/3 less range when the mercury in my thermometer goes into hibernation during the winter. It’s a common occurrence with all electric cars, one that the manufacturers seldom talk about at the time of sale.

During his time in Alaska, Stevens had a chance to drive a Model S, a Model X, and a Model 3 through their paces on snow and ice. For some of the driving, Tesla engineers turned off the stability and traction control systems that normally protect drivers from hazardous conditions, something owners cannot do themselves. Here’s some of what he had to say:

“With everything off, I cut onto the freshly groomed field of snow at 65 mph and jerked the wheel left and right and then was instantly thrown into one heck of a tank slapper. The car swerved back and forth as I frantically sawed at the wheel to keep up. I tried this maneuver a number of times and maybe caught it twice, but that’s with a decade of high-speed ice driving experience at my disposal. While I mean no offense to your average Model S owner, your average Model S owner would have spun every time.

“Re-enabling the car’s stability and traction controls took a quick reboot and then I went and tried it again. Same speed, same field of snow, and try as I might I couldn’t get the car to spin. I yanked the wheel left and right with all the finesse of a thoroughly endorphin’d Crossfitter and yet the car always kept itself inline, moving quickly enough to miss the imaginary moose, then calmly settling itself.”

Stevens explains that all Teslas have open differentials — the kind that deliver power to the wheel with the least traction. Older readers may recall this is what made driving your mom’s Pontiac station wagon on snowy roads such a challenge. But Tesla uses the brakes on each individual wheel to stop them from spinning. Combining that with precise control of how much torque each motor delivers permits the car to tame the most outrageous slides.

A video popped up on YouTube recently of a Model 3 traveling on an icy road with Autopilot activated. That’s not a smart thing to do — ever! — but you don’t have to be smart to own a Tesla. The car was on the brink of spinning out completely when the Autopilot caught the skid and returned the car to a safe path.

The driver, Eric Lapierre, noted that he didn’t touch the wheel at all. Of course, he shouldn’t have been using Autopilot at all in those conditions, but he proudly posted the video from his dash cam anyway.

Stevens was impressed by how the Model S and the Model X handled the snow and ice. A 30% slope coated with ice down center “resulted in a slow and occasionally unnerving but ultimately clean ascent. With the e-differentials disabled (again, not something you can do at home), the thing started the climb, spun its tires, and then promptly (and rapidly) skidded backwards down the hill.”

The Model 3 Performance, however, blew him away with its ability to tolerate extreme slip angles without spoiling the fun until the car was poised to tip over the edge into a full fledged disaster. “In Track Mode, the Model 3 will let you hang the tail way, way out, getting some properly lurid drifts going before it cuts the fun. Yes, it will cut the fun if you get things too far out of shape, killing the car’s power and automatically deploying the brakes at the appropriate corner. But, the car gives you an awful lot of rope to hang yourself with before it kindly and reliably steps in to lift the noose from your neck.

“By building the Model 3’s control software in-house, Tesla’s engineers have even more ability to vector torque from front to rear both under acceleration and under regenerative deceleration. This means the car can react more quickly and more precisely, again letting you push it that much further before cutting in.” The Tesla engineers told Stevens an upgrade to Track Mode is in the works that will allow the driver to manually adjust the torque split between the front and rear motors. First we’ve heard of that!

Finally, Stevens addressed some issues Model 3 owners in cold climates have experienced — things like frozen door handles and windows that won’t go down when the world outside is frozen. Tesla has addressed the latter with a software update, but a solution to the door handle issue is still in the works. Stevens says, “Every new model has some teething problems. It’s how the company reacts that’s the important thing.”

How Tesla reacts is one of the greatest assets the company has. It doesn’t hide behind legalese or excuses. It steps up and addresses problems in a forthright and proactive manner, often with direct responses from the CEO on Twitter. What was his name again? …

When something goes wrong and a company stands behind its product, that’s a bonus that costs the manufacturer next to nothing but can be priceless to the customer.

About the Author

Steve Hanley Steve writes about the interface between technology and sustainability from his home in Rhode Island and anywhere else the Singularity may take him. His motto is “Democracy is socialism.” You got a problem with that?

You can follow him on Google + and on Twitter.

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Porsche Claims Tesla Owners Are Leading A Taycan Sales Stampede

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Published on January 7th, 2019 |

by Steve Hanley

Porsche Claims Tesla Owners Are Leading A Taycan Sales Stampede


January 7th, 2019 by Steve Hanley

At the LA Auto Show last month, Klaus Zellmer, president of North American operations for Porsche, had some interesting things to say to Tim Stevens of CNET Road Show. His company has had a “pretty amazing” level of interest in its upcoming Taycan 4 door electric sports car, he said.

In particular, the number of people willing to plunk down a $2,500 deposit to pre-order one has exceeded all expectations. “If all the people [who preordered] buy this car, then we are sold out for the first year,” Zellmer said, and 20,000 sales would make the Taycan one of Porsche’s best selling models. However, it would not approach the ~50,000 Tesla Model S sedans sold each year.

“More than half of the people that are signing up for the Taycan have not owned or do not own a Porsche,” Zellmer added, which led to this question: What car do they own? “Typically, if we look at our source of business — people coming from other brands — it’s Audi, BMW, or Mercedes. The no. 1 brand now is Tesla. That’s pretty interesting, to see that people that were curious about the Tesla for very good reasons obviously don’t stop being curious.”

Is that surprising? Maybe not. Most existing Tesla owners are early adopters. If they jumped on the Tesla bandwagon early, why wouldn’t they want to try the new new thing? Especially in California, where car culture has been dominant ever since Harry Truman took the train back to Independence, well heeled buyers are always on the hunt for what’s next.

Green Car Reports speculates that current Tesla owners may be attracted to the Taycan’s 800 volt drivetrain, which can reportedly recharge in half as much time as a Tesla (assuming you can find an ultra-fast charger). Or they may think the Porsche will offer a more luxuriously appointed interior.

Is Porsche worried that the Taycan — and its soon to appear first cousin, the Cross Turismo — will compete head to head with Audi models that are based on the same chassis? Not really. The Audi e-tron GT will share a chassis with the Taycan, but people will be able to tell the difference by the way the two cars drive.

“When it’s about being competitive,” he said, “it’s something that really has to fully speak Porsche. If you drive a Macan, you know that we share a platform [with Audi], but it’s a completely different car. And that’s exactly what has to happen and I’m sure Audi has followed a same path.”

Should Tesla be worried that some of its current owners may make the switch to an all-electric Porsche? Probably not. There are tens of millions of people who would give their eye teeth to own a Tesla. The other upside is that if some of those Tesla owners do change horses midstream, that will mean more pre-owned Teslas for sale to those who don’t have the resources to buy a new one.

When it comes to the electric car revolution, the more competitive cars available — new and used — the better for us and for the Earth.

About the Author

Steve Hanley Steve writes about the interface between technology and sustainability from his home in Rhode Island and anywhere else the Singularity may take him. His motto is “Democracy is socialism.” You got a problem with that?

You can follow him on Google + and on Twitter.

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China × Cleantech — December 2018

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Published on January 6th, 2019 |

by Tim Dixon

China × Cleantech — December 2018


January 6th, 2019 by Tim Dixon

Welcome to the next issue of China x Cleantech, our December 2018 edition. The year has closed, but let us review the final interesting cleantech developments from China last year.

China is changing rapidly. In order to aggregate and summarize the highlights, we publish a monthly China × Cleantech feature as an article here on CleanTechnica as well as on the “Future Trends” section of our website (link above). Here’s the previous report in case you missed it.

Tesla News
Tesla looms large in Chinese EV market news — the coming Model 3, Gigafactory 3, trade wars, and price cuts are trending across the internet. CleanTechnica is no stranger to these topics, so let us review what has been written here.

Tariffs were the biggest news in December. Steve Hanley wrote that Tesla announced it would reduce prices on the Model S and Model X in China. This decision was in response to the Chinese government’s decision to reverse the decision to have a 40% tariff on cars imported from the USA. Steve added that CNBC is indicating that this decision is temporary. Read more here on CleanTechnica.

Before the details on the temporary reversal, Steve Hanley wrote about the impacts of this trade war on the stock market and Tesla’s plans in China.

Zachary Shahan introduced an interesting comparison between the Tesla Model 3, BMW 3 Series, Mercedes-Benz C-Class, and Audi A4 that might prove to be highly disruptive to the sales of those other luxury automakers. Vincent provided details on the Chinese market for luxury sedans, and from that information, it can be seen that the Model 3 is extremely competitive. Read more details, context and information here on CleanTechnica.

Zachary Shahan has long discussed the ongoing impact that the Tesla Model 3 is having on the Canadian and United States car markets. Looking forward towards 2019, he speculated about possible impacts that the Model 3 will have in Europe and China, including a “forecast” of potential Tesla Model 3 demand and a rundown of Gigafatory 3.

Electric Car Sales
Jose Pontes reported on the sales of electric cars in China for the month of November. The data showed more than 140,000 registrations in November, which is up 59% year over year (YoY). When extrapolating for December sales, that would bring the total sales in 2018 to ~1 million plug-in sales for China alone. Jose provides a more detailed analysis in his article including lists of the most popular electric cars.

Chanan Bos reported on the news that Lithium Werks, a lithium-ion battery manufacturer headquartered in the Netherlands, was partnering with the Chinese Zhejiang Jiashan Economic and Technological Development Zone Industry Corporation in October to build a gigafactory in China. In December of 2018, they announced that construction will start in 2019 and the initial annual production capacity will be 8 GWh. This will make it the first European company to build a battery gigafactory in China.

Steve Hanley reported on the news that China is going to add large amounts of stationary battery storage to its grid to combat curtailment and provide grid frequency response in 2019. With both lithium-ion batteries and flow batteries being part of the plan, Steve highlighted two projects in China and their benefits and drawbacks.

CATL, a leading Chinese battery producer, has set up a subsidiary in the United States in the city of Detroit, with aims to build ties with American automakers and develop products and services for the American automotive market. The USA subsidiary is CATL’s fourth subsidiary — it already has subsidiaries in Japan, France, and Germany, the latter of which being where CATL is building a battery factory to supply BMW. CATL wants to provide all automakers with batteries, and this is just one of its efforts to accomplish this goal.

Other Chinese Electric Car News
Xpeng, one of many Chinese EV startups, has started selling its electric G3 SUV in China. The G3 has a reported range of 365 km (227 miles) NEDC and a cost of 150,000 RMB ($21,500) after subsidy. The G3 is inspired by Tesla vehicles and has many features and style choices similar to Tesla’s, which is understandable since Tesla has had a massive impact on creating the present zeitgeist in the automotive market (electric, autonomous, high-tech, futuristic).

Nicolas Zart reported on the news that Qiantu (China) and Mullen Technologies (USA) are going to release the K50 electric supercar in the USA by 2020. Nicolas, who met people from both companies, reported that Mullen Technologies will be manufacturing the K50 and did the homologation process. For more details, including pictures of the K50 and details on Qiantu’s future plans, read Nicholas Zart’s article at CleanTechnica.

JAC and Volkswagen in November signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly develop an electric vehicle R&D centre. In December, they broke ground on the site. The joint venture, JAC Volkswagen (江淮大众), was established in December of 2017 and is developing Volkswagens cars for China. This site is not the first cooperation between JAC and Volkswagen in EV development, just the next step in both companies’ electric vehicle development. See more pictures and read more at EV Partner.

Electric Pickup Trucks
The Chinese electric pickup truck market is starting to pick up steam. In October, I reported on two pickup trucks being listed on the market. Now we have gotten news that two more pickup trucks are getting ready. It looks like 2019 is going to be an interesting year for electric pickup trucks in China.

JAC has officially revealed the JAC i3-T330, with a 265 km (164 miles) NEDC range and peak torque of 330 NM (Newton meters) — the peak torque is probably where they got the name. See pictures at EV Partner.

Foton Auto has revealed its own electric pickup truck based on an already existing pickup truck. It has 350 km (217 miles) of NEDC range. This is expected to be a work truck. All Chinese pickup trucks are targeted towards working person requirements, and unlike other markets, they do not have high-end trims — although, that is logical for a working truck.

Electric Heavy-Duty Trucks
Electric logistics sector news in China is dominated by light- and medium-duty electric trucks, because they are the most common and have the highest number of companies developing and selling them, but that doesn’t mean China doesn’t have heavy-duty electric trucks. I researched the market earlier in 2018 and interesting things are happening.

CAMC completed its first batch of heavy-duty electric trucks, with a range rating of 150 km (93 miles) NEDC. The batteries are provided by CATL and the company attributed bringing the truck to market to the “blue sky defence war/蓝天保卫战,” China’s policy to reduce air pollution, which requires logistics to move towards electrification or rail transport.

While the range is not great, it does meet certain logistics scenarios, and hopefully we will see China create more long-range trucks in the near future.

HOWO (China National Heavy Duty Truck), which is the third largest manufacturer of heavy-duty trucks, showed off 24 new trucks at its year-end conference, including the pure electric “HOWO T5G 220,” which is a heavy-duty truck designed to be a “sprinkler truck” — a truck designed to spray water onto the roads and into the air to combat air pollution and dust. With batteries provided by CATL, the truck has a range rating of 200 km (124 miles) NEDC, which is fine for its low-speed city driving work schedule.

The dual DC charger offers a 1.5 hour charge. The battery, which is from CATL and is reported to be a “world leading battery,” is explained as follows: each battery pack has 29.26 kWh of energy capacity and the vehicle’s total energy storage capacity is 242 kWh. For pictures and details, head over to the EV Partner article.

One step back
Finally, to end on some less than positive news, China is one of the global leaders in the expansion of coal power plants, helping lend large amounts of money to countries around the world to develop coal power plants even when financial data and science might indicate that such investments are not the best for the planet or long-term return on investment. For more details, read Joshua S Hill’s article here on CleanTechnica.

See our previous China × Cleantech reports for more info from the red giant. Subscribe to the China X Cleantech newsletter to not miss a beat.

About the Author

Tim Dixon When not researching the Chinese electric car market, I am teaching in China. My interest in sustainable development started in University and it led me to work with Tesla Europe in the Supercharger team. I'm interested in science fiction, D&D, and travel. You can follow me on Twitter @TimDixon3.

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Published on January 6th, 2019 |

by Guest Contributor

Tesla Model S Resale Values = Best In Class


January 6th, 2019 by Guest Contributor

Originally published on EVANNEX.
By Charles Morris

It’s always fun to talk about Elon Musk’s tweets and tokes, but when it comes to predicting Tesla’s long-term financial prospects, savvy observers understand that the two metrics that matter are the demand for the company’s products and the margin of profit it earns on each unit. So, if TSLA stock slips in response to an unguarded comment by the Iron Man, consider it a buying opportunity. If you see evidence that demand for Teslas is flagging, then you can start to worry.

Tesla Model S (Image via Tesla)

One way to gauge the level of demand for an automaker’s vehicles is to examine how their value holds up in the used market. Generally speaking, vehicles that are more in demand depreciate less. So it’s encouraging to read a recent report from venture capital firm Loup Ventures, which found that the depreciation of Tesla’s Model S compares quite favorably with that of other vehicles in its class.

Based on a mathematical analysis of data on used car sales, Loup Ventures concluded that, after 50,000 miles, a typical Model S will have lost around 28% of its original value, whereas competing models in the luxury sedan class will have lost an average of 38%. Even when variables such as model year, miles driven and initial sale price were taken into account, Loup found that a Model S could be expected to retain 7% more value than its competitors.

Two things to keep in mind: higher-priced cars usually show worse depreciation than budget models; and plug-in cars in general exhibit worse depreciation than comparable gas-powered models (among other things, plug-in vehicles tend to be improved every year, and only new vehicles are eligible for federal and state incentives). Of the plug-in vehicles on the US market, Teslas show by far the least depreciation, holding their value better than the Chevy Volt, BMW i3, or Nissan LEAF.

The Loup Ventures team started by looking at an Autolist survey, which included 1.6 million data points gathered between January 2012 and August 2016. Autolist found the following amounts of depreciation after 50,000 miles:

Tesla Model S: 28%
Lexus LS 460: ~32%
Mercedes S-class: ~36%
Porsche Panamera: ~37%
BMW 7 Series: 40%
Audi A8: 40+%
Jaguar XJ: 41%

However, the researchers weren’t entirely satisfied with these numbers — during the years covered by Autolist’s survey, the supply of Teslas was limited, which could have artificially kept resale prices high. Therefore, the Loup team decided to conduct their own survey based on today’s prices.

The team examined the same auto models that were included in the Autolist survey, scraping listings of certified pre-owned cars from manufacturers’ websites. Next, they built a regression model to predict the percentage by which each car had depreciated based on model year, miles driven and MSRP. They also included a categorical variable designed to account for any inherent difference between Tesla and its competitors.

The article includes all the details of the team’s analysis, which the statistically inclined may wish to read. The researchers concede that their study wasn’t perfect – they could have used more data on non-Tesla vehicles, and the bewildering array of options available made it impossible to calculate the precise MSRP of some models. However, they believe that their conclusion that Model S depreciates at a rate 7% lower than that of competitors in its class is sound.

A look at an older Tesla Model S. (Image via Tesla Shuttle and CleanTechnica)

Be the numbers what they may, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that Tesla’s vehicles hold their resale value well — comments on the subject by frustrated would-be owners aren’t hard to find. But after all, these cars often seem to have minds of their own, so it shouldn’t be surprising that they stubbornly refuse to lose their value as quickly as most other luxury vehicles do. That may be bad news for car buyers with moderate budgets, but it’s a good sign for the future of the company.

About the Author

Guest Contributor is many, many people. We publish a number of guest posts from experts in a large variety of fields. This is our contributor account for those special people. 😀

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Breaking! Tesla Gigafactory 3 Groundbreaking In China In A Few Hours [Updated]

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Published on January 6th, 2019 |

by Zachary Shahan

Breaking! Tesla Gigafactory 3 Groundbreaking In China In A Few Hours [Updated]


January 6th, 2019 by Zachary Shahan

We have been obsessively tracking the progress of Tesla Gigafactory 3 in Shanghai, China — thanks in large part to info our friend Vincent on Twitter gathers. Now he has news that Tesla is about to hold a groundbreaking ceremony for Gigafactory 3 (GF3) in 7 hours.

As you can see in the tweet, Elon Musk has arrived in China for the ceremony.

As we collect more information — most likely from Vincent — we’ll update this story.

As a reminder, the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y will initially be produced at GF3, perhaps as early as the end of 2019. For much more background on the giant battery and electric car factory, scroll through our GF3 archives.

UPDATES: We have a few new tweets from Elon about the news:

About the Author

Zachary Shahan Zach is tryin' to help society help itself (and other species). He spends most of his time here on CleanTechnica as its director and chief editor. He's also the president of Important Media and the director/founder of EV Obsession and Solar Love. Zach is recognized globally as an electric vehicle, solar energy, and energy storage expert. He has presented about cleantech at conferences in India, the UAE, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, and Canada.

Zach has long-term investments in TSLA, FSLR, SPWR, SEDG, & ABB — after years of covering solar and EVs, he simply has a lot of faith in these particular companies and feels like they are good cleantech companies to invest in. But he offers no professional investment advice and would rather not be responsible for you losing money, so don't jump to conclusions.

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A Tesla-Certified Repair Shop in Colorado — Behind The Scenes

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Published on January 4th, 2019 |

by Guest Contributor

A Tesla-Certified Repair Shop in Colorado — Behind The Scenes


January 4th, 2019 by Guest Contributor

Originally published on EVANNEX.
By Kay Talley

A unique opportunity came our way to see damaged cars up close, personal and naked at Stuttgart Auto Body, Denver’s premier Tesla collision repair facility. Attendees from Denver Tesla Club visited to gain insight into the structure of Tesla’s vehicles — and what can possibly go wrong while out on the road.

A Tesla Model X having met with a deer. Sadly, the deer would not have had the same outcome as the Model X will. (Image via Stuttgart Auto Body)

Stuttgart is certified by Porsche, Mercedes — and Tesla. The main focus of the Englewood facility is the latter. Although it is sad to see a parking lot full of triaged vehicular friends awaiting admission to the ER, the care and attention indoors for them is nothing less than spectacular. State Farm expert, Austin Domsch, was also on hand to explain coverage of that little “incident.”

A Model S P100D — witnessed in repair — will shortly be returned to owner after a significant front-end “ouch.” (Images via Stuttgart Auto Body)

Accidents happen. How they are taken care of is an eye-opener into the vehicle and the overall construction of Models S, X and 3. The crumple zone up front is a testament to a Tesla’s life-saving abilities. Tesla is possibly the most complicated of vehicles to work on, but Stuttgart has made a massive investment in all Tesla-approved equipment that is necessary and continues to grow with the company to keep up with the electric carmaker’s continually evolving technology.

A Tesla Model 3 front-end with structural fracture. What’s in there? A great opportunity to get more insight. The coolant you see in the Model 3 is also BMW’s — rather than Tesla branding it. It’s pretty much a generic for luxury vehicles. Makes sense. Why reinvent the wheel? (Image via Stuttgart Auto Body)

Tesla Fremont hands-on trained technicians are passionate about returning a car to an owner in pre-accident condition. Using only Tesla OEM and diagnostics, they make it happen.

Denver Tesla Club members, including winners of the EVANNEX Tesla car cover raffle, and Stuttgart’s luxury packages of in-vehicle beverage containers — all enjoying this special club event. (Image via Stuttgart Auto Body)

From 3M insane automotive adhesive, riveting under equally insane pressure to meet Tesla’s over-and-beyond safety ratings, an owner can feel completely safe in the vehicle, post-collision. Good as new.

Kay Talley is a long-time Tesla Model S owner and member of the Denver Tesla Club. Kay was kind enough to send along an overview and photos from this event to EVANNEX.

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1/5 Luxury Cars Sold in USA in 2018 = Tesla Model 3 or Tesla Model S

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Published on January 3rd, 2019 |

by Zachary Shahan

1/5 Luxury Cars Sold in USA in 2018 = Tesla Model 3 or Tesla Model S


January 3rd, 2019 by Zachary Shahan

As I just reported, the Tesla Model 3 was the #11 best selling car in the USA in 2018. As reported earlier today, in December, the Tesla Model 3 was the #1 top selling car in the USA that was produced by an American car company.

But that’s just the beginning of notable Tesla sales results.

In the month of December, Tesla sold more luxury cars than all other automakers. In fact, it accounted for approximately 30% of luxury car sales. Tesla sold more luxury sedans than BMW and Audi combined, more than Mercedes-Benz and Lexus combined. It absolutely crushed the luxury car competition.

Luxury Car Brand
December 2018 US Sales
Segment Share

Acura Cars

Audi Cars

BMW Cars

Buick (est.)

Cadillac (est.)

Infiniti Cars

Jaguar Cars (est.)

Lexus Cars

Lincoln Cars

Mercedes-Benz Cars


Tesla Cars (est.)


In terms of all luxury vehicles — SUVs and crossovers included — Tesla was #4 in December, just a bit behind Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, and BMW … despite not having a crossover/CUV on the market.

Luxury Auto Brand
December 2018 US Sales
Market Share




Buick (est.)

Cadillac (est.)


Jaguar Land Rover





Tesla (est.)


If you look at the full year, naturally, Tesla didn’t perform as well — it spent most of the year ramping up production. Nonetheless, approximately 1 out of 5 luxury car sales were Teslas (the Model 3 or the Model S).

Luxury Car Brand
2018 US Sales
Segment Share

Acura Cars

Audi Cars

BMW Cars

Buick Cars

Cadillac Cars

Infiniti Cars

Jaguar Cars (est.)

Lexus Cars

Lincoln Cars

Mercedes-Benz Cars

Volvo Cars

Tesla Cars (est.)


Across all types of luxury vehicles — SUVs and crossovers included — approximately 1 out of 10 sales were Tesla sales (Model 3, Model S, or Model X).

Luxury Auto Brand
2018 US Sales
Market Share







Jaguar Land Rover





Tesla (est.)


This company is 15 years old. The Model S hit the market 6½ years ago.

Can you spell disruption? More importantly, can luxury automaker execs and shareholders spell disruption, and can they see it coming?

The good news is that these competing automakers are getting more serious about electrification — a bit more serious. The bad news (for them as well as humanity) is that they’re still moving too slowly and are years behind Tesla in critical ways.

The other good news is that Tesla is moving down market and is broadening its vehicle offerings into the crossover and pickup categories in order to pull in more buyers. The other bad news is that conventional automakers don’t seem well prepared to compete with their own highly compelling and widely available electric options in those classes. I don’t say this often, but the next few years are going to be interesting. Tesla getting up to 250,000–400,000 sales a year is an explosion, but it’s not putting any competitors into bankruptcy. Reaching 1–2 million thanks to the introduction of an electric crossover (Model Y) and electric pickup could be another story.

If you would like to buy a Tesla and want the benefits that come with a referral, feel free to use my referral code — http://ts.la/tomasz7234 — or not.

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Zachary Shahan Zach is tryin' to help society help itself (and other species). He spends most of his time here on CleanTechnica as its director and chief editor. He's also the president of Important Media and the director/founder of EV Obsession and Solar Love. Zach is recognized globally as an electric vehicle, solar energy, and energy storage expert. He has presented about cleantech at conferences in India, the UAE, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, and Canada.

Zach has long-term investments in TSLA, FSLR, SPWR, SEDG, & ABB — after years of covering solar and EVs, he simply has a lot of faith in these particular companies and feels like they are good cleantech companies to invest in. But he offers no professional investment advice and would rather not be responsible for you losing money, so don't jump to conclusions.

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40 Steps & 90 Minutes To Produce Tesla Model 3

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Published on December 30th, 2018 |

by Matt Pressman

40 Steps & 90 Minutes To Produce Tesla Model 3


December 30th, 2018 by Matt Pressman

Originally published on EVANNEX.

As Tesla’s production ramp for the Model 3 continues to improve, so does its process. Part of this can be attributed to engineering efficiencies. Business Insider reports, “After a recent visit to the company’s Fremont, California factory, analyst Pierre Ferragu of New Street Research, far and away Tesla’s most bullish analyst on Wall Street, said the sedan is ‘biblical’ in its simplicity.”

A look at the Tesla factory in Fremont, California (Image via Tesla)

“We could see the Model 3 assembled, from an empty body to a fully functional car in a bit more than 40 steps and 90 minutes, on a line about 1,000 feet long,” Ferragu said in a note to clients. “Its simplicity is unbelievable.”

In contrast, “A comparable car by any traditional automaker could take anywhere from 130 to 200 steps, Ferragu says, easily setting the Model 3 apart. The findings are similar to what UBS’ Evidence Lab found when tearing down a Model 3 earlier this year, finding ‘next-gen, military grade’ tech below the finish.”

As production picks up at Tesla’s factory, more Model 3s are hitting the roads.

“Model 3 has a bit more than a kilometer of cable, vs. 3x that for equivalent traditional premium cars. But this still feels half-baked,” Ferragu said. “Ultimately, a car with a battery, a motor or two and a screen should have 2 power systems (high and low voltage) and one communication network. For that, about 100m of cabling per car should be necessary.”

Ferragu acknowledges Tesla has plenty of room for improvement. A “crowded mess” and “unnecessary complexity” are still evident from Tesla’s early ramp phase of the company’s Model 3 production process, according to Barron’s. However, as production steadily improves, Ferragu says, “The road to 7,000 units per week seems easy, and limited capital expenditures will be required (in the low tens of millions) to get to 10,000.”

More on Analyst Pierre Ferragu’s observations of the Tesla Model 3 production line at the company’s Fremont factory (YouTube: Wochit Tech)

“We don’t know for sure what demand will ultimately be, but we know that from here, Tesla will expand its price range, introduce leasing, and expand internationally,” Ferragu notes. “All these levers combined have a lot of depth and should be more than enough to get to 10,000 Model 3 per week at the end of next year.”

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About the Author

Matt Pressman is all about Tesla. He’s a TSLA investor, pre-ordered the Model 3, and loves driving the family's Model S and Model X company cars. As co-founder of EVANNEX, a family business specializing in aftermarket Tesla accessories, he’s served as a contributor/editor of Electric Vehicle University (EVU) and the Owning Model S and Getting Ready for Model 3 books. He writes daily about Tesla and you can follow his work on the EVANNEX blog.

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More Insight Into Tesla’s New Board Chair, Robyn Denholm

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Published on December 29th, 2018 |

by Matt Pressman

More Insight Into Tesla’s New Board Chair, Robyn Denholm


December 29th, 2018 by Matt Pressman

Originally published on EVANNEX.

Questions arose when Tesla announced its new board chair, Robyn Denholm. How might the seasoned executive interface with Tesla’s hard-charging CEO Elon Musk? Richard Walters (via Financial Times) reports that “Ms Denholm has always described herself as direct — the product of a pragmatic Australian upbringing that has left her with a no-nonsense view of the world.”

It’s reported that, “Ms Denholm grew up in Milperra, a small town in Sydney’s sprawling western suburbs. Her parents owned a service station, where she used to pump petrol, do the accounts and repair cars — a pursuit that got her interested in automobiles.” Denholm went on to work at “Toyota in Australia, where she rose to the position of national finance manager and became one of the few women to reach a senior level at the time.”

Later, “Ms. Denholm left Australia for Silicon Valley,” transitioning into the tech sector working with the likes of Sun Microsystems and Juniper Networks. And according to Pierre Ferragu, a Wall Street analyst who covered Juniper Networks, “She has a proven record for dealing with very high-ego individuals.”

Ferragu says, “Robyn is the exact opposite: she can remain very calm, very stable. She is a less visible personality, but she’s very good at driving things without having to be in the lead.” He adds, “She has a quiet self-confidence … very on top of what was happening in the business.”

Denholm was recently named Tesla’s new board chair (Photo by Jakob Härter, CC BY-SA license)

Denholm has taken calculated risks in her career to succeed. “I don’t jump out of planes or bungee jump or any of that stuff,” she told The Australian. “But I do take professional risks. You make the best decisions you can with all the information you have — and you have to move quickly. You’re not pushing hard enough if you never make mistakes.”

Denholm has been on Tesla’s board for four years, serving as non-executive director and chairing the board’s audit committee. In the Australian Financial Review, she was asked about her experience at Tesla and replied, “It’s great, and he [Musk] is great, he’s just phenomenal.”

In turn, Musk has admiration (and praise) for Denholm. He tweeted, “Would like to thank Robyn for joining the team. Great respect. Very much look forward to working together.” According to Tesla, “Robyn will be leaving her role as CFO and Head of Strategy at Telstra, Australia’s largest telecommunications company,” in order to serve as Tesla’s new board chair on a full-time basis.

Denholm describes how “constructive conflict” can improve collaboration (YouTube: Telstra Wholesale)

The road ahead for the electric carmaker won’t be easy. Musk has noted that, “Tesla’s like a drama magnet.” But Denholm welcomes conflict. She’s openly discussed nurturing conflict while “teasing out those ideas” that bring about successful outcomes. At Telstra (see video above), she said, “I actually think conflict is great … I mean constructive conflict where you’ll actually debate around an idea or go backward and forwards on how to iterate on an idea. I think that’s really important.”

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About the Author

Matt Pressman is all about Tesla. He’s a TSLA investor, pre-ordered the Model 3, and loves driving the family's Model S and Model X company cars. As co-founder of EVANNEX, a family business specializing in aftermarket Tesla accessories, he’s served as a contributor/editor of Electric Vehicle University (EVU) and the Owning Model S and Getting Ready for Model 3 books. He writes daily about Tesla and you can follow his work on the EVANNEX blog.

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Tesla Model 3 vs. Losing Luxury Gasmobiles … Tesla Model 3 Easter Egg Fun … How To Best Charge A Tesla — #CleanTechnica Top 20

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Published on December 17th, 2018 |

by Zachary Shahan

Tesla Model 3 vs. Losing Luxury Gasmobiles … Tesla Model 3 Easter Egg Fun … How To Best Charge A Tesla — #CleanTechnica Top 20


December 17th, 2018 by Zachary Shahan

A Tesla Model 3 sales report, a Tesla Model 3 easter egg, and a note about how to best charge your Tesla overnight took home the gold, silver, and bronze medals this past week.

Also topping the charts: other Tesla news, other Tesla news, electric bike regulations, other Tesla news, and Tesla hypotheticals. Read on after the Tesla photo for more details and to read the most popular stories of last week here on CleanTechnica.

Tesla Model 3 Completely Crushing US Luxury Car Competition — 10 CleanTechnica Charts
Tesla Drops A New Model 3 Easter Egg, Hints At More On The Way
How Much Should You Charge Your Tesla Overnight To Keep Your Battery Healthy & Software Sane?
Tesla Gigafactory Pays Big Dividends For Nevada
Electric Bikes Are Triggering Mixed Regulatory Action Globally
UBS Declares That “Tesla Has Won The Race And Leads The Championship” With EVs
Forget Tesla Buying A GM Factory, Tesla Could Buy GM
Tesla’s Q4 Revenue, Earnings Per Share, & Deliveries — CleanTechnica Estimates & A Bet For Mr. Einhorn
Honda, NASA, & Caltech Claim Fluoride Battery Breakthrough
Canada Man Drives On Sunshine With Solar & His Tesla Model 3
The City Of Medford To Save $11,000 Per Year With New Rooftop Solar System
Breaking: Tesla Allows Use Of Referral Codes On European Model 3 Orders, But With A Twist
CleanTechnica Survey Respondents Love E-Bikes & Have Money: Part 2
Elon Musk Forced To Defend “An Incredible American Success Story” On 60 Minutes — Shame On You, CBS
Ch…Ch…Ch…Changes — How GM, Ford, & Volkswagen Are Reacting To The Electric Car Revolution
CleanTechnica Survey Respondents Love E-Bikes & Have Money: Part 1
8minutenergy Renewables Completes 328 Megawatt Solar Farm, Celebrates By Being Bought Out By Co-Founder
60 Minutes Should Release All Footage From Elon Musk Interview— Plus, More Context From Tesla & A Leaked Transcript
#Pravduh About #Tesla — 3 Month Review Of Top Publishers
Tesla Model S & Tesla Model X Hold Their Value Better Than Gasmobile Competitors

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About the Author

Zachary Shahan Zach is tryin' to help society help itself (and other species). He spends most of his time here on CleanTechnica as its director and chief editor. He's also the president of Important Media and the director/founder of EV Obsession and Solar Love. Zach is recognized globally as an electric vehicle, solar energy, and energy storage expert. He has presented about cleantech at conferences in India, the UAE, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, and Canada.

Zach has long-term investments in TSLA, FSLR, SPWR, SEDG, & ABB — after years of covering solar and EVs, he simply has a lot of faith in these particular companies and feels like they are good cleantech companies to invest in. But he offers no professional investment advice and would rather not be responsible for you losing money, so don't jump to conclusions.

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