L’Assemblée générale mixte des actionnaires de Michelin se tiendra le vendredi 18 mai 2018 à 9 heures au Polydome, place du 1er Mai à Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme). Les actions Michelin étant exclusivement nominatives, un avis de convocation, comportant un exposé sommaire des activités et des résultats du Groupe pour l’exercice 2017 et une présentation des résolutions… Continue reading Publication of the preparatory documentation for the Annual shareholders Meeting of may 18, 2018
Category: Automotive
Movin’On 2018 Unveils its Preliminary Programming and a New Round of Speakers
Les grandes orientations de l’avenir de la mobilité vues par les leaders d’aujourd’hui, une incursion dans la ville intelligente, une approche de Design Thinking appliquée au transport en zones reculées : la programmation préliminaire de Movin’On 2018 plonge au coeur des grands défis mondiaux d’une mobilité propre, sûre et accessible à tous. Pour porter ce projet ambitieux,… Continue reading Movin’On 2018 Unveils its Preliminary Programming and a New Round of Speakers
Disclosure of the total number of voting rights and of the number of shares making up the company’s capital at March 31, 2018
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MICHELIN X Multi Energy tire fuel saving for regional transport
Cette performance de pointe est le résultat de trois technologies innovantes brevetées Michelin : Infinicoil, Regenion et Powercoil, qui se retrouvent dans tous les pneus. Infinicoil est un fil d’acier continu, pouvant atteindre 400 mètres de long, enroulé autour du pneu pour assurer une meilleure stabilité de la bande de roulement, permettre des économies de carburant… Continue reading MICHELIN X Multi Energy tire fuel saving for regional transport
Volkswagen CEO Matthias Müller should go
The car maker Volkswagen wants to rebuild its leadership. CEO Matthias Müller is after SPIEGEL information before the replacement. imago / Sven Simon Matthias Müller Tuesday, 10.04.2018 14:29 clock At the VW Group top is a change ahead. CEO Matthias Müller will vacate the post of CEO after SPIEGEL information and is apparently to be… Continue reading Volkswagen CEO Matthias Müller should go
VW puts 340 million dollars in US plant
Donald Trump threatens to punish European automakers with punitive tariffs – this is precisely the situation in which Volkswagen announces a major investment in Tennessee. VW plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee Monday, 19.03.2018 22:12 Volkswagen once again puts a lot of money in his SUV offensive in the US. For the production of a new five-seat… Continue reading VW puts 340 million dollars in US plant
VW works council chief Osterloh praises group restructuring
A close confidant of Works Council Chairman Bernd Osterloh joins the Board of Volkswagen. The trade unionist welcomes the restructuring of the group: Conflicts with the new CEO Herbert Diess have been eliminated. VW works council chief Bernd Osterloh Friday, 13.04.2018 11:56 clock Volkswagen does not need to fear resistance from the powerful works council… Continue reading VW works council chief Osterloh praises group restructuring
VW is on leave from Plenipotentiary
In the affair about exhaust gas tests on monkeys, the VW Group has the first consequences: Chief lobbyist Thomas Steg is on leave. He took full responsibility. Getty Images / Volkswagen Thomas Steg Tuesday, 30.01.2018 14:00 clock Because of the scandal about questionable exhaust gas tests, a first manager has to go to Volkswagen. Thomas… Continue reading VW is on leave from Plenipotentiary
VW wants to prevent use of monkey study in US process
Since over the exhaust gas tests on monkeys is reported, shows VW shaken. Corporate lawyers have apparently already realized the explosiveness of the issue earlier: For months they have tried to keep the study out of a US trial. Exhaust of an Audi vehicle (icon) Wednesday, 31.01.2018 09:37 clock Volkswagen is fighting hard in the… Continue reading VW wants to prevent use of monkey study in US process
VW compares in controversial US process
VW has averted an important process in the US: As part of this process, Volkswagen’s exhaust gas tests on monkeys were known. Volkswagen headquarters in Wolfsburg Saturday, 24.02.2018 14:31 clock Volkswagen has a crucial US court case in the last moment “Diesel gate” scandal prevented. The legal dispute with the owner of a VW Jetta,… Continue reading VW compares in controversial US process