Nexgen Power develops second generation Super Junction MOSFETs… Supplying to Chinese battery manufacturers

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Nexgen Power has developed a new Super Junction MOSFET. This second generation product is reduced in chip size and has enhanced power performance compared to previous MOSFETs. Next month, Nexgen Power will produce the second generation Super Junction MOSFET, and supply the product to the world’s largest battery manufacturers in the fourth quarter. It plans to expand the supply of Super Junction MOSFETs to the growing electric vehicle market.

The second generation Super Junction MOSFET is a new product with a 650V class of 80 amps. It will conduct product performance evaluation with the world’s largest Chinese EV battery manufacturer. The mass production will be carried out in the fourth quarter after the performance evaluation is completed. Dongwon Kang, CEO of Nexgen Power, said, “We plan to evaluate the second generation products with our customers, and plans to mass produce in the fourth quarter.” The goal is to export 4.5 million units per year.

The size of the Super Junction MOSFET chipwill be reduced by 20% compared to the first generation. Compared to the existing product, the number of chips is increased by 50% while reducing the size. Even though the size is reduced, the power efficiency and performance are improved. Nexgen Power provides products that reduce area of the chip and minimize power loss by providing low on-resistance devices.

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Nexgen Power developed the second generation product after two years since the mass production of the first generation product in 2020. The first generation supplied 20 million units to home appliances and electronic devices. The second generation MOSFET was developed in response to customer chip miniaturization and power performance improvement.

Nexgen Power is working toward scooperating with customers to install electric vehicle-related chargers and equipment. Demand for Super Junction MOSFETs is increasing from home appliances to electric vehicles markets.

Nexgen Power will increase the supply of products through domestic foundry companies. DB HiTek is trying to develop and expand production of the Super Junction MOSFET foundry (consignment production) process.

An official from Nexgen Power said, “Nexgen Power will strive to expand the share of domestic semiconductor companies in the eco-friendly energy market such as electric vehicles and green energy with experiences from having a successful mass production and sales of first generation Super Junction products.”

By Staff Reporter Jiwoong Kim (

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