German Manager Magazin: Company car privilege: Car fan Christian Lindner (FDP) holds privilege for “left framing”001977

Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner has complained that the debate about financing relief is being ideologically charged with certain terms. You choose a word to arouse feelings, said the FDP leader on Sunday at the federal government’s open day when he was asked by a visitor about his ideas on company car privileges. The term “company car privilege” is already political, said Lindner.

“Company car privilege. The rich. Have a company car. A privilege, still get money from the state. Company car privilege.” The word is already a “left framing”. “So that you already have the feeling in your stomach, oh, this can’t go right.”

“Framing” means the “framing” of a term or a fact in a specific context of meaning. This way of depicting the subject is intended to consciously trigger feelings and evaluations in people.

In addition to environmental organizations, the Greens are also calling for a reform of the tax privilege for company cars. Most recently, co-party leader Omid Nouripour spoke out in favor of it. That Company car privilege also played a part in the discussion about a successor regulation for the nine-euro ticket a role.

Critics have been complaining for years that official cars in Germany regardless of the purchase price and are therefore tax deductible to an unlimited extent. Companies and freelancers prefer to use expensive luxury models as company cars, which the general public co-finances with billions of euros every year. This regulation defended by Lindner is the result of years of lobbying by the car industry and is considered to be in need of reform not only for economic reasons, but also from a climate point of view.

If you can also use your company car privately, you have what is known as a pecuniary benefit that must be taxed. If no logbook is kept, the monthly flat rate is one percent of the gross list price of the vehicle. According to the Federal Environment Agency, the actual monetary benefit for the user is often significantly higher. According to this, the state evades taxes of at least three billion euros annually. On Sunday, Lindner repeated his argument that flat-rate taxation does not mean a tax advantage and referred to studies.

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