German Manager Magazin: Amazon: Attack on the German car industry002021

In the slipstream of Google (Waymo) and Apple (Apple Car), the third US tech giant has also advanced into the heart of the modern car industry: Amazon.

Jeff Bezos’ (58) group first offered services through its data subsidiary AWS, but the Americans now provide entire infotainment systems and complex control software such as Stellantis (Peugeot, Jeep, Opel). The bet: If in future the software actually decides on the attractiveness of the car, Amazon wants to be one of the market leaders.

manager magazin’s tech reporter Jonas Rest spent weeks researching the US giant’s auto strategy. In this podcast, in an interview with mm editor-in-chief Sven Clausen, he explains how efficient the Americans already are and why, in addition to delivery vans, they are already building their own robotic taxis under the Zoox label.

In the “Das Thema” podcast, the editor-in-chief of manager magazin provides information every week about the internal research status on a relevant current and at the same time promising economic topic. You can watch the podcast via manager magazin as well as on Spotify

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