German Handelsblatt: Automotive supplier: ZF is converting the largest transmission plant in Saarbrücken into an electrical lead plant005541

Employees of the transmission manufacturer ZF

The ZF Group has orders worth well over 23 billion euros for the electric drive.

(Photo: imago images / Becker&Bredel)

ZF has found a solution for the future of its largest single plant: The second largest German automotive supplier behind Bosch will convert the plant in Saarbrücken with 9000 employees into a lead plant for purely electric drives.
According to its own statements, the foundation group is investing a three-digit million amount in the transmission plant. From 2023, ZF wants to set up new production lines for pure electric drives, which are scheduled to start series production in 2024.
Stephan von Schuckmann, member of the ZF Board of Management and responsible for e-mobility, told Handelsblatt: “The example of Saarbrücken shows how successful transformation can be orchestrated in close cooperation between companies, employees and state politics.” This is the only way ZF can change value creation and employment and make its locations future-proof.
ZF has 23 billion euros in electrical orders

This does not only apply to the location in Saarbrücken. According to von Schuckmann, the ZF Group has orders worth well over 23 billion euros for the electric drive. “And there will be more coming soon. We are therefore expanding our plants in the USA, Mexico and China in addition to Saarbrücken.”

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The package is said to include more than 100 million euros in investments by the group, contributions from the workforce to a future fund and funding from the Saarland state government in an undisclosed amount.

Anke Rehlinger

The agreement is important for the Prime Minister of Saarland.

(Photo: dpa)

The employees’ future fund is financed in two stages. According to the agreement, the fees at the site will be reduced for all hierarchies and earmarked for investing in the establishment of new technologies.
Mario Kläs, Head of the ZF Works Council in Saarbrücken, says: “We fought for future products for the location for a long time. The foundation for the next generation of mobility has been laid at the Saarbrücken location.” Of course, other future products would have to be located in order to compensate for the future decline in 8-speed automatic transmissions and to secure employment.
High demand for hybrid transmissions from China and the USA
Currently, the 8-speed automatic transmission, which is also used in hybrid vehicles, is still “extremely successful”, as von Schuckmann says. “In particular, demand from China and the USA for hybrid vehicles with combustion engines and electric motors has increased significantly,” said the board member. This gives ZF room to transform the Saarbrücken location.

The change from the internal combustion engine to the electric drive is a painful process for automotive suppliers that will also result in job losses. After Ford’s plans to close in Saarland, the agreement with ZF is important for Saarland’s Prime Minister Anke Rehlinger (SPD).
With more than 40,000 employees, the vehicle sector has so far been the largest branch of industry in Saarland. Rehlinger said: “The Saarland path that we are taking together at the Saarbrücken location is a shining example of how structural change can be actively shaped. It is a very important signal of confidence in these times.” A location with thousands of jobs is thus secured.
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