German Handelsblatt: Leading index: Porsche before the rise – the Dax is becoming more and more familiar005563

Logos of VW, Siemens Energie, Mercedes and Fresenius

The Dax is becoming increasingly familiar.

(Photo: Imago (3), dpa, AP)

The sports car manufacturer Porsche is also in the fast lane on the stock market. Since the IPO at the end of September, the share has gained more than 21 percent, almost twice as much as the Dax of the 40 largest companies. In all likelihood, Porsche will be included in the leading index in December, when Deutsche Börse has decided on the composition of its indices on a quarterly basis.
Tom Koula, index expert at Stifel Europe Bank, is convinced: “Porsche AG can hardly be denied promotion to the Dax.” But that would strengthen a trend that has been emerging for some time: Fewer and fewer names dominate the Dax.
A good year ago, Deutsche Börse expanded the leading index from 30 to 40 members. The step was linked to the hope that the new Dax would be more diverse and more easily accessible for young companies. A year later, however, it is clear that the expansion has not yet lived up to these expectations.

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