After racist incidents, Black students at Grinnell College want culture, safety changes – Des Moines Register

Loyal Terry and Bethany Willig never thought their senior year of college would start this way.

Instead of enjoying their last days at Grinnell College with friends and mapping out their futures, the two are among many Black students living in fear and demanding school administrators and city leaders take quicker action to protect them and their peers after a surge of racist incidents on campus last month.

“I wanted to do all of the stuff you see in the movies instead of fighting racism…,” said Terry, co-spokesperson for the Black Student Union and president of the Student Government Association. “You’re not able to do that.”

On Oct. 9, a week before staff and students went on fall break, at least 14 cars parked on a campus lot on 10th Street and signs nearby were covered with racist and white supremacist graffiti. Terry and Willig, who is also a spokesperson for the Black Student Union, said they and other Black students have also been the targets of racial harassment since the semester began, including white drivers yelling racial slurs at them on and off campus.

College administrators have publicly condemned the racist incidents and have provided biweekly updates on a safety plan with input from the Black Student Union, Student Government Association, faculty and staff. But Terry, Willig and BSU member Evelyn Coffie said they worry the changes aren’t coming fast enough. And, they said, the small flashlights and whistles provided by the college as part of a self-defense kit aren’t enough to quell their concerns.

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“It doesn’t remove the anxiety and fear that I have right now in the present,” Terry, 21, said. “I can still get harassed and (be a victim of) hate crimes walking down the street. We still walk in pairs when we’re walking somewhere late at night. Like that whistle isn’t going to stop somebody from hopping out of their car and doing something to one of us.”