German Handelsblatt: Auto supplier: Data theft at Continental is also a case for the FBI005643

Continental plant in Hanover

The FBI has been investigating the Lockbit ransomware group since March 2020.

(Photo: dpa)

After the cyber attack on the German automotive supplier Continental, the US federal police are also involved in the incident. German security authorities have informed the FBI about the attack and are in contact with US investigators. The Handelsblatt learned this from several people involved in the process.
The Dax group recently had to admit that hackers were able to capture a large amount of data during an attack in the summer. According to corporate circles, it should be around 40 terabytes – including files related to important customers such as Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes. This emerges from a bag list published on the Darknet.
It was the first time that such a comprehensive data theft became known at a Dax group. When asked, Continental declined to comment on the role of the FBI. The US federal police also declined to comment.
After data theft at Continental: Group hires IT forensic experts

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