German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Luxury strategy of BMW, Audi and Mercedes is reaching its limits005916

Mercedes-Benz plant in Tuscaloosa

Pure sales are no longer so decisive for Mercedes.

(Photo: Mercedes-Benz AG)

After 2021, BMW sold more cars last year than its direct competitors Mercedes and Audi. In 2022, the Munich car manufacturer was able to sell a total of 2.4 million vehicles worldwide. Without the BMW brands Mini and Rolls-Royce, sales were around 2.1 million units.
Mercedes, the number one in the premium segment in terms of sales from 2016 to 2020, was only able to sell a little more than two million cars. Audi has not yet announced its sales figures for 2022. However, the VW subsidiary expects a maximum of 1.9 million vehicles to be sold, which would put the Ingolstadt company in third place.

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