German Manager Magazin: Tesla: Working conditions in Grünheide alarm IG Metall – lack of transparency, extreme control and hardly any recovery002244

the IG Metal is concerned about working conditions Tesla in Gruenheide. Employees reported to the union that they were dissatisfied with stressful shift systems, frequent overtime at weekends, a very high overall workload and too few staff, said Irene Schulz, district manager of IG Metall for Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony, on Thursday in Berlin. The employees also said that it was sometimes too hot in the production halls in summer and too cold in winter.

All in all, the company is not doing enough to improve working conditions and offers too little space and time for family, leisure and recreation. “According to our observation, there is also a lack of a management culture that promotes an open debate in the company about such concerns of the employees.”

Constant instructions on secrecy

The employees have to sign a non-disclosure agreement with the employment contract, which is referred to again and again in everyday company life. The employees are unsure whether they are even allowed to talk to the union about the employment contracts. “We don’t know from other companies that such questions are asked in this form and with such frequency,” said Schulz. When asked, Tesla initially did not comment on the allegations.

Investigators should track down “internal and external “threats”.

The district manager of the union also reported on a job advertisement for a security intelligence investigator, which caused many questions in the company. “You will conduct both proactive and reactive investigations and actively address internal and external threats to Tesla’s proprietary and confidential information,” the company’s job posting reads. Among other things, “several years of experience as an investigator with international/national law enforcement agencies or intelligence services and/or equivalent time in a security environment of a company” is expected.

Due to a lack of transparency in the company, many employees are now asking themselves what exactly the content of these investigations is supposed to be – and whether they themselves might come into focus, said Schulz.

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