German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: Mercedes relies on XXL displays for new compact cars005967

giant display

The so-called “pillar-to-pillar” display has already been tested in the Mercedes EQXX concept vehicle.

(Photo: Mercedes-Benz)

With the discontinuation of the A-Class and B-Class, Mercedes-Benz will soon be thinning out its range of smaller model series. However, Mercedes wants to technically upgrade the four remaining compact models from 2024.
The next generation of CLA Coupé, GLA, GLB and CLA Shooting Brake is to be equipped with so-called pillar-to-pillar displays, the Handelsblatt learned from Mercedes group circles. These screens extend almost across the entire width of the cockpit, so they protrude from one front, supporting vehicle pillar (A-pillar) to the next.
The supplier of the display is Continental, according to industry circles. This is also indicated by internal text excerpts from a 40 terabyte data bundle that cybercriminals were able to capture from the Dax group in 2022. The hackers published a list of the stolen data on the dark web.

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