German Handelsblatt: Mercedes Annual General Meeting 2023: How much dividend does the Mercedes-Benz Group pay?006838

When is the Annual General Meeting 2023 of the Mercedes-Benz Group?

The Annual General Meeting of the Mercedes-Benz Group will be held on May 3, 2023.
What is the dividend for 2023?
A dividend of EUR 5.20 per share will be proposed to the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting for the 2022 financial year. In total, Mercedes wants to pay out 5.6 billion euros to its owners.
What was the 2022 dividend?
The 2022 dividend for the 2021 financial year was EUR 5.00 per share.
When will the Mercedes-Benz Group pay the 2023 dividend?
The dividend is due on the third banking day after the Annual General Meeting. Therefore, the dividend should be paid out to the custodian banks by May 8, 2023 at the latest. In the dividend calendar you will find all relevant dates of companies in the Dax, MDax and SDax.

When are Mercedes-Benz Group shares quoted “ex dividend”?
On the first business day after the Annual General Meeting, the share is quoted “ex dividend” – the price of the share is reduced by the value of the dividend.
By when do I have to buy Mercedes Benz Group shares to receive the dividend?
In order to receive the Mercedes-Benz Group dividend for the 2022 financial year, the shares must be in the securities account by the day of the Annual General Meeting, May 3, 2023 at the latest.
Mercedes news
The car company can look back on a successful year. Profits increased by more than a third in the previous year and reached a new record of 14.8 billion euros. And in 2023, too, the figures paint a positive picture. In the first quarter, the operating return on sales in the dominant car division was almost 15 percent. Nevertheless, CEO Ola Källenius warns of increasing pressure. On the one hand, rising interest rates and high inflation are dampening demand. On the other hand, car manufacturers such as Mercedes are heading towards an overcapacity of vehicles. Because the chip crisis is cooling off. On average, stockbrokers expect a decline in the operating margin at Mercedes by one and a half to two percentage points this year.
More: Car company in danger of falling: Mercedes climbs to the top of the margins

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