Vote socially instead of giving votes away!

Frankfurt am Main – The IG Metall trade union warns insured persons against being guided solely by list names in social elections: “Beware of smugglers and touts: Just because an electoral list of individuals is adorned with the name of a health insurance company, for example, does not mean that there is a reliable one Social policy for the insured behind it,” says Hans-Jürgen Urban, executive board member of IG Metall. Most of these clubs are hardly visible in socio-political and social terms. “Those who choose wisely in social elections choose trade union partners with concepts, expertise and political influence.”

The social elections are one of the decisive factors in ensuring that employees and pensioners can expect good and fair benefits from their insurance companies. Hans-Jürgen Urban: “There is a lot at stake, the self-governing bodies alone decide over 300 billion euros for the health insurance companies. We want to use these funds socially – in the interests of the insured.”

A concrete success of the trade unions was to enforce equal financing of the additional contribution from the health insurance companies for insured persons and thus halve it for those affected. Urban: “With our experience in social insurance, we successfully influence politics.”

IG Metall is committed to comprehensive and good care in the event of illness, disability, old age and in need of care. Urban: “We reject a checkout policy that only attracts a certain clientele with bargain advertising. Good benefits for everyone are crucial.” The social parliaments decide on additional benefits from the health insurance companies, the quality of rehabilitation offers, bonus programs, optional tariffs or new preventive medical check-ups.

The trade union also sees an important task in the objection committees of the insurance companies: “The provision of livelihoods is often decided here. There we use all our strength and experience from the companies to help the people,” said Urban. At the same time, IG Metall uses the experience from the social parliaments for its socio-political demands on politicians. Urban: “Our goal is good health and a good pension for everyone. This is only possible with established socio-political forces at all levels.”

More information and press photos from Dr. Hans Jürgen Urban

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