German Handelsblatt: BILANZCHECK: China deal gives BMW record profits – but the new dependency harbors risks006934

BMW balance sheet check

The automaker’s dominance in China also entails risks.

(Photo: AP)

The year 2022 will be remembered by BMW shareholders as a special year. The company never made more sales, BMW never earned better. Thanks to a record profit of 18.6 billion euros, shareholders will receive a dividend of 8.50 euros per preferred share, which is 2.70 euros more than in the previous year.
In total, BMW pays out 5.5 billion euros, half of which goes to the siblings Susanne Klatten and Stefan Quandt, who control around 47 percent of the shares.
2022 had actually not started well. The lockdown in China and the lack of wiring harnesses from Ukraine throttled production. In the end, BMW boss Oliver Zipse delivered a good five percent fewer cars than in 2021. But like Mercedes and Audi, BMW also built larger models with the scarce resources and also sold them at better prices.
China is becoming the dominant factor for BMW

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