German Handelsblatt: Automaker: New contract and new models: Mercedes boss Källenius is facing a second term007220

Ola Källenius in front of an electric SUV

Probably the toughest test will be to defend the double-digit margin with increasing electric car sales.

(Photo: dpa)

Mercedes-Benz is operating more profitably than ever before – yet CEO Ola Källenius keeps driving his team forward. “Don’t let up now,” the Swede urged executives recently after the group had achieved a return on sales of almost 15 percent in the first quarter.
The thirst for action goes down well with chief inspector Bernd Pischetsrieder and the other 19 members of the Mercedes supervisory board. They want to extend Källenius’ contract, which expires in May 2024, by five more years in the summer, as the Handelsblatt learned from circles of the control committee. The 54-year-old should therefore remain at the head of the Stuttgart Dax group until at least mid-2029. The company did not comment on this.

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