After partnership with Daimler: BMW is looking for more car sharing partners in the US

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After partnership with Daimler BMW is looking for more car sharing partners in the US

Car2Go und DriveNow: BMW und Daimler suchen nach weiteren Mobilitäts-Partnern in USA und China


Car2Go and DriveNow: BMW and Daimler are looking for other mobility partners in the USA and China

BMW is looking to other partners in the US and China for its car sharing and mobility services. “The others should not underestimate the power of Mercedes and BMW when it comes to mobility,” said BMW CEO Peter Schwarzenbauer on Tuesday in Munich. “We want to become a big player.”

BMW and Mercedes had agreed in March, their Car sharing and mobility services like Car2Go, Drive, Now or MyTaxi, “In China or in the US there could be a partner, we do not exclude other partners,” Schwarzenbauer said. “Size is important in this business.”

Daimler’s major shareholder Li Shufu, who owns car maker Geely and car service provider Cao Cao in China, recently called on the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” to fathom “extensive alliances” in the auto industry. Cao Cao is already very successful in China with 10 million customers.

The mobility offer of Mercedes and BMW is today already wider than that of all competitors, said Schwarzenbauer. By 2025, the BMW Group wants to have a total of 100 million customers. With all the services, the joint venture between Daimler and BMW today reaches nearly 40 million customers, primarily in Europe

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