German Handelsblatt: Nice investment: How the Opel Manta outperforms Mercedes and BMW007504

Opel Manta

No other vehicle has increased in value as much as the Opel Manta in Germany over the past year.

(Photo: Carpixel)

Just a few decades ago, no other car was being joked about as much as the Opel Manta. No cliché was left out, the assignment of the driver to a specific character type was almost predetermined.
Manta jokes are now gone, as is the eponymous car on the road. On the other hand, anyone who owns such a model today has a good laugh. Because no other vehicle in Germany has increased in value so much in the past year as the Opel Manta B in the high-horsepower GT/E variant: it was a whopping 31.21 percent, according to the latest evaluation by the Südwestbank.
Classic cars are booming. At the beginning of the year, 793,589 vehicles were registered in Germany, according to the Federal Motor Transport Authority, 8.4 percent more than in the previous year. Anyone who is interested in vintage cars as an investment not only needs to know which models are and will be in demand, but also understand the special features of this asset class.

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