German Manager Magazine: Tesla: Electric car manufacturer reports a noticeable number of work accidents002762

In the US car manufacturer’s German factory Tesla According to a media report, there are significantly more accidents at work than in other automobile companies Germany. These included serious and extremely serious accidents at work, reported the “star

” according to the advance report from Thursday, citing information from authorities and emergency services. “This frequency of accidents at work is not normal,” said the district manager of IG Metall for Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony, Dirk Schulze. He emphasized that he had “the greatest concern, that at some point someone will die.”

At times, according to “Stern” information, accidents occurred almost daily at the factory in Grünheide, Brandenburg. According to rescue centers, an ambulance or helicopter was called 247 times in the first year after opening, the magazine reported. Converted to the number of employees, this is three times as many emergencies as, for example, in the factory Audi in Ingolstadt.

According to the company, around 11,000 employees are currently working at the factory in Brandenburg – “22,500 employees are possible in the future,” explained Tesla. The group wants to double production capacity at the plant to one million cars.

26 environmental accidents since opening

Since opening a year and a half ago, Tesla has reported 26 environmental accidents in Grünheide, according to information from the Brandenburg State Office for the Environment. These include spilled substances such as paint, diesel and fires. According to the State Environment Agency, the incidents are operational disruptions and not major incidents within the meaning of the Major Incident Ordinance. Part of the site lies in the water protection area. Tesla rejects concerns.

The car manufacturer admitted that there had been several incidents on the factory site during construction work and since commissioning. According to the company, none of the incidents were major incidents under the Federal Emissions Control Act, and none of the incidents caused environmental damage. If necessary, corrective measures were implemented.

The head of ecosystems at the Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Martin Pusch, spoke of a fundamentally high risk with regard to drinking water. “There is a high risk of impairment of the drinking water supply due to the low retention capacity of the subsoil,” Pusch told dpa.

When asked by “Stern”, Brandenburg’s Environment Minister Axel Vogel (67, Green Party) admitted that problems had arisen on the factory premises, but saw no danger. When asked whether he could rule out that the groundwater beneath the factory was contaminated, he said, according to “Stern”: “I can rule it out. The monitoring is working.”

Part of the factory is located in a water protection area

The accidents include leaks of 15,000 liters of paint, 13 tons of aluminum and 50 and 150 liters of diesel. According to information from the State Environment Agency, paint and aluminum were disposed of professionally or properly. In the case of diesel, the floor was dug out in one case. The “Stern” also reported that after a fire in September 2020, up to 300 liters of extinguishing water seeped into the ground; 250 liters of diesel leaked in a gas station on site in May 2023. The State Environment Agency did not provide any information on this.

The accident in April 2022 in the paint shop with 15,000 liters of paint mixture was already known. At the time, the lower water authority of the Oder-Spree district classified the liquid as slightly hazardous to water and it had not reached the groundwater. The Strausberg-Erkner water association spoke of an incident.

There have also been eight fires since March 2022. In one case, according to the State Environment Agency, a fire at an illegal waste site in September 2022 was caused by a shredded battery in a wooden transport box. Extinguishing water was collected and the affected unpaved area was dug up. A few days later, cardboard and wood caught fire there. Extinguishing water had seeped away, but the soil samples were unremarkable.

Tesla has been manufacturing electric cars in Grünheide since March 2022. Environmentalists and nature conservationists see danger because part of the factory is located in a water protection area. Tesla has dismissed concerns.

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