Hyundai Motor to create 3,000 jobs in line with gov’t policy

SEOUL, April 19 (Yonhap) — Hyundai Motor Group said Thursday it will help create some 3,000 jobs for young graduates and underprivileged people through 2022.

The conglomerate will invest 34 billion won (US$32 million) in the five year period to financially support companies in the hiring of 1,600 young graduates in their 20s and 30s, and help 600 entrepreneurs start businesses. The carmaker also said it plans to support 500 people who retired early to land new jobs and assist 300 women who quit work to take care of their children to return to work, Hyundai said in a statement.

The auto group’s job drive is in line with the Moon Jae-in government’s pledges to generate good jobs.

Early this month, the government unveiled a set of measures, including bolder financial and tax incentives and the use of a 3.9 trillion-won extra budget, to respond to the high jobless rate among young people.

The government submitted the supplementary budget proposal to the National Assembly on April 5.

President Moon has called for all-out effort to create new quality jobs for young people and warned that the high youth jobless rate is a national disaster.

Creating quality jobs, especially for the young, was one of the chief executive’s key election pledges. The president has promised to add 810,000 new jobs in the public sector during his single five-year term, which ends in May 2022.

The proposed extra budget is the second of its kind under the Moon Jae-in administration. Last year, the Moon administration formed an 11 trillion-won supplementary budget that aims to create more quality jobs.

Hyundai Motor Group's main office in southern Seoul (Yonhap) Hyundai Motor Group’s main office in southern Seoul (Yonhap)