Open to cooperation: how Daimler imagines cooperation with Geely

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Open to cooperation How Daimler imagines cooperation with Geely

Daimler-Chef Dieter Zetsche: Gemeinsame Elektroplattform mit Großaktionär Geely?


Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche: Joint electric platform with major shareholder Geely?

The German carmaker Daimler Show stock market chart sets the limits of possible cooperation with the new Chinese major shareholder Geely. For example, work on a joint electric platform is possible, reports manager magazin in its new issue (release date: April 20).

Geely has been working for some time on a new architecture for electric cars, according to group circles. This platform would also offer other car manufacturers. A joint production of battery cells comes for Daimler Show stock market chart but not yet considered. Geely boss and principal owner Li Shufu had surprisingly secured 9.7 percent of Daimler’s voting rights in February.

Daimler would also be ready to supply the Geely subsidiary Volvo Cars with engines and other components, it says in Stuttgart. To prove its willingness to cooperate, the company could also imagine taking a small share (“a few percent”) of Volvo. Daimler officially did not comment.

Li Shufu recently published a guest article in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” promoting the formation of extensive alliances in the automotive industry.

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