We are Lightyear, we’re on a mission

Martijn Lammers — Co-Founder

We love electric cars…

But they’re only the first step, what if they could generate their own energy?

That’s a business opportunity!

Lightyear was founded by 5 Solar Team Eindhoven alumni. With Solar Team Eindhoven, we built the revolutionary solar cars Stella & Stella Lux. Both cars are 4 seaters, road legal, solar powered and built to win the World Solar Challenge cruiser class. After two world championships, we decided that it is time for the next step.

Our story started back in 2012. All we had was a blank canvas, no experience, no network and no money. We took our enthusiasm, a healthy dose of naivety and common sense to start an endeavour that still continues today. Looking back, it is easy to forget the times we worked until the sun came up or the problems that kept us from working at all. Like the time our cars’ transport to the competition in Australia was cancelled a week before we left. Or the desperate attempts removing a crucial part of our car from its mould. These moments were all worth it when we danced off our stress at the finish line.

We went from this blank canvas to winning the World Solar Challenge, twice. Looking back, the best part was realising how many people helped us achieve our dreams. Countless people from Eindhoven, our sponsors, the university, family, friends! If we can mobilise this many people to realise a solar car of this quality in such a short time, twice…What else can we dream up? What is the key to this success? How does the solar car concept fit in with current trends? When will solar cars be ready for the market? During the last couple of years, we have been able to shed some light on these questions for ourselves. We are now ready to take all this passion, wisdom and experience and announce our next step.

We are Lightyear, we’re the young guns. We all have our own set of skills but we believe in the same thing: together, we want to make the world a better place.

We are going to let the world drive for lightyears, powered by the sun.

Let’s go!

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The post We are Lightyear, we’re on a mission appeared first on Lightyear.

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