According to insiders, the US government is planning to ban Chinese software autonomously driving vehicles. The Commerce Department is expected to propose banning Chinese software products for autonomous and connected cars in the coming weeks. According to the Reuters news agency, this was announced on Sunday from circles familiar with the matter.
The US government under President Joe Biden aim for regulation that prohibits the use of Chinese software in vehicles with automation level 3 and higher USA would prohibit. This would also result in a ban on testing autonomous vehicles from Chinese companies on American roads.
According to the plans, Car manufacturer and suppliers in the US demonstrate that none of their software products for connected vehicles or advanced autonomous vehicles in China was developed. A Commerce Department spokesman said Sunday the agency is concerned about the national security risks associated with connected technologies in connected vehicles.
Proceedings against Tesla over Autopilot
Products from the USA also have problems. In April, the US transportation authority initiated a new investigation into Tesla’s Autopilot driving assistance system. She examines the question of whether an autopilot update from December is enough to address the authority’s security concerns. In an investigation lasting several years, the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) came to the conclusion that the Autopilot function made it too easy for drivers to give up complete control to the system, even though they had to constantly keep an eye on the traffic situation.
The NHTSA analyzed a total of 956 accidents from January 2018 to August 2023. 29 of them resulted in fatalities. In many cases, the accidents could have been avoided if the drivers had paid attention, the authority emphasized in its published report.