German Manager Magazine: BMW board proposes separate motorway lane for electric cars003497

BMW-Production director Milan Nedeljković (55) would like Electric cars are clearly preferred in road traffic and thus stimulate demand. “For example, privileged access to city centers, free parking or a dedicated lane on the motorway,” he told the “Münchner Merkur”.

“If you were constantly overtaken by electric cars while stuck in a traffic jam, many people would certainly think about switching,” Nedeljković continued. Such preference would be an alternative to the EU’s planned ban on combustion engines. Government purchase bonuses as an incentive do not make sense in the long term.

However, BMW expects “continued significant growth in e-mobility”. This year, every third car that rolls off the production line at BMW’s Bavarian plants will be fully electric, the manager told the newspaper.

Regarding the discussion about the ban on combustion engines in the EU from 2035, Nedeljkovic told the “Münchner Merkur” that the goal of having as many electric cars as possible on the roads is correct. “From our point of view, in this case it makes sense to ask ourselves again whether it is really realistic to want to electrify all car traffic in the EU within a few years.” A ban on new vehicles with combustion engines from 2035 is “absolute Hard to implement.”

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