VW may not dismiss suspected Islamists

A VW employee is suspected of wanting to join the militant jihad. The company announced the employment relationship. A labor court now ruled that “extra-ordinary circumstances” do not justify a termination.

VW-Werk in Emden (Symbolbild)

VW plant in Emden (icon image)

Monday, 12.03.2018
20:46 clock

May a company denounce a suspected employee Salafist to be? The Landesarbeitsgericht Hannover has ruled that this is not legal. The mere suspicion of belonging to a radical militant movement is not sufficient for a termination of the employment contract, the judges justified the verdict.

The background was the dismissal of a suspected Islamist at the car manufacturer Volkswagen (VW). The man had been deprived of his passport after a failed departure for Syria. VW had terminated the assembly worker because of the suspicion that he wanted to join the militant jihad.

“Only in the case of a specific disturbance of the employment relationship such circumstances are suitable as grounds for dismissal,” it said in the explanatory statement of the court. “Purely external circumstances can not justify the termination of an employment relationship without notice or in time.”

The verdict is not yet legally binding. A revision to the Federal Labor Court is possible.

(AZ .: 15 Sat 319/17)

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