According to an oblique analyst call: Elon Musk buys Tesla shares for nearly ten million dollars

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According to oblique analysts Call Elon Musk buys Tesla shares for nearly ten million dollars

Tesla-Neuwagen Model 3: Das Unternehmen hat noch nie einen Jahresgewinn verzeichnet und mittlerweile mehrere Milliarden Dollar an Kapital verbrannt.


Tesla New Model 3: The company has never posted a profit for the year and has now burned billions of dollars in capital.

With a very strange Tesla CEO Elon Musk made headlines last week at an analysts’ conference – Now the story gets a new turn. As Bloomberg reports, on Monday, shortly after the teleconference, in which he had slipped the price of Tesla shares, according to observers, by his arrogant and apparently annoyed behavior, Musk has on a grand scale acquired Tesla shares.

According to Bloomberg, the entrepreneur and billionaire is buying shares of his electric car company worth about $ 9.85 million earlier this week. It was the largest purchase since March 2017, they say. Musk is already the largest shareholder of Tesla, with the recent purchase increases his share of the company to 20 percent.

Previously, Musk had Twittered a deal with investors who bet on a falling Tesla price. He assured to refute such short bets and advised investors to end their positioning.

Meanwhile, Tesla’s shares have recovered from the losses they suffered during Musk’s analyst call. Musk had during the telephone conference on the occasion of the presentation of quarterly figures annoyed to answer questions and dismissed these as “boring” and “dry”, He also talked longer with a private investor and Youtuber, while the analysts did not come to the course.


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