PSA: the unions approve the collective conventional breakthrough project

The project of conventional collective break, presented by the car manufacturer, concerns 1,300 employees. According to union sources, the agreement was endorsed by most unions. Totaling more than 58% of the votes, FO, CFDT, CFTC and GSEA accepted the agreement.

Voluntary departures and recruitment promises

The CGT opposed this project. The second union behind FO split a statement, in which he explains refusing “categorically to sign this new plan of job cuts, the details of which by site and category is hidden from the unions”. The CFE-CGC did not make known its position.

In return, the company has committed to recruiting “more than 1,300” permanent and to accommodate “at least 2,000 young apprentices” in 2018.

Signature of the official document Friday

The collective breakages collective are from the last reform of the Labor Code. They allow the elimination of posts through voluntary departures, without economic justification. To be applied, unions representing at least 50% of the staff must sign an agreement.

The women’s ready-to-wear chain Pimkie gave up, for lack of agreement with the unions. The Inrocks and the Figaro society plan to resort to it.

The document will be officially signed Friday, on the occasion of a central corporate committee.