Leasing and financing returns: Mercedes pays in addition to the dealer

Leasing and financing returns

Mercedes pays in addition to the dealer

Mercedes trade: “Lookup” for leasing and financing returns © Photo: Daimler

Because the sales prices that could actually be achieved differed considerably from those of the residual value list, Mercedes-Benz paid the dealerships a look-up of € 600 per leasing and financing return in 2017.

From Doris Plate / AUTOHAUS

Actually, the residual value hedging model of Mercedes Benz praised. If the customer returns his vehicle, the dealer only needs to check the current one based on a service provider DAT Pay according to a manufacturer’s specification calculated purchase price. Should be in the contract a higher residual value determined for the customer, the leasing company assumes the shortfall. In the course of the past year, however, it turned out that this approach of group vehicle evaluation does not currently adequately reflect market developments.

At the behest of the Association of Mercedes-Benz Representatives (VMB), individual evaluations of several vehicles were compared with the values ​​calculated by the Residual Value Commission with the help of the DAT according to the Mercedes-Benz specification. In many cases, there were significant differences – up to the four-digit range. Therefore, the manufacturer has finally decided to pay a flat-rate of 600 euros per leasing and financing return in 2017 to the car dealerships.

The brand is known for seeking fair compensation with its agents. The current “lookup” for leasing and finance returns, for diesel and gasoline models, underlines this position. “For competitive reasons,” wanted the Mercedes-Benz distribution Germany (MBVD) but do not comment on this topic.

Whether the citizens of Berlin will provide additional support for returning vehicles in 2018 is currently still unclear. The dealers want from 2019 a single evaluation. The negotiations are still going on.