Stadler’s failures in the exhaust gas scandal: Why is Rupert Stadler actually still Audi boss?

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Stadler’s failures in the exhaust gas scandal Why is Rupert Stadler actually still Audi boss?

Audi-Chef Rupert Stadler


Audi boss Rupert Stadler

Actually, Audi CEO Rupert Stadler wanted to spread a spirit of optimism in front of his shareholders: At the AGM today, Wednesday, Stadler presented an ambitious transformation plan for a start into the electric car era. With the “Audi. Vorsprung 2025” strategy, Audi is to overtake its rivals Daimler and BMW in terms of electromobility. “The number one among the premium providers” should Audi in e-mobilesStadler introduced the thrust. Four purely battery-powered electric cars will bring the Rings brand on the market in the next two years, in 2025 Audi wants to sell 800,000 electrified cars.

The thing with the departure has only one catch: Audi – and Stadler itself – are once again overtaken by the diesel scandal past. Yesterday’s Tuesday, just one day before the Annual General Meeting, the Ingolstadt had to admit something highly sensitive. Audi has stopped the delivery of the popular as company car models A6 and A7 with 271-hp diesel engine, because there is again suspicion of exhaust fumes in the engines, as the “mirror” reported,

Audi is systematically investigating all engines, Stadler explained yesterday. He had already announced in March that further recalls could be expected. “Our highest interest is a wholehearted education,” Stadler said.

But once again Stadler is suspected of not having his shop under control. One year ago, Stadler’s contract was extended for a further five years – since then, Stadler has sought to give the impression that the times of the diesel crisis at Audi are over. At the end of 2017, the CEO even announced the internal taskforce Diesel until the end of the first quarter want to dissolve – as an “outward sign that we can gradually switch from crisis mode back to normal operation”.

Recently, the new VW boss Herbert Diess Stadler had even strengthened his back – by giving him in the context of Reorganization of the Volkswagen Group into brand groups assumed additional responsibility for Group sales.

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