Taipei, 30 April 2018 – Taipei-based electric powertrain system supplier, XING Mobility hasselected Clean Wave Technologies to provide electric motors and drive control units as part of arally-inspired supercar. “Miss R”, the world’s first electric supercar with on-road and off-roadcapabilities, will deliver 1 Megawatt of power. The vehicle will utilize four Clean Wave tractionmotors, one for each wheel. The supercar will provide four-wheel torque vectoring and becapable of staggering speeds. Powered by four independent 225kW electric motors, XING’sprototype supercar has projected performance of 0-100km/h in 1.8 seconds, 0-200km/h in 5.1seconds and a max speed of over 270km/h.

XING Mobility selected Clean Wave because of its unique product features including high

efficiency, compact design, low weight and the use of no rare earth metals. XING Mobility’s Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Azizi Tucker explains, “In our exhaustive global selection

process, we required a drive system that delivered high peak and sustainable continuouspower. We selected Clean Wave in light of its unique AC Induction design. It offers a drivesystem that meets our performance requirements, while providing the benefits of nearly 20%less weight and size at a competitive price point.”

XING Mobility is already working with commercial and industrial vehicle makers from around theworld to apply technology from Miss R in city buses, ride-sharing scooters, construction vehiclesand special-purpose boats. Most recently, integrated technology derived from Miss R has beendeployed in a 3.5 ton converted multipurpose transit vehicle, making its debut in Taipei in April2018.


Having undergone extensive development to produce a battery module design with market-leading power density, it was imperative for XING Mobility that their partner motor provider was

well-matched in providing high power output, while crucially remaining light and small. In MissR, this translates into minimizing weight to maximize speed. However, according to Mr. Tucker,the benefits of the combined Clean Wave motor and XING battery system are even moreprevalent in a commercial and industrial context, where vehicle users and fleet managers aresensitive to payload. By integrating a light, high power-density battery and motor drivetrain,industrial vehicles are able to conserve more space for cargo and other functions, ensuring afaster return on investment. Additionally, by selecting a high-quality electric drivetrain system,operating costs, and thus lifetime cost, of the vehicle are far lower than in their gasolinecounterparts.

“We are pleased to supply and partner with an innovative company such as XING Mobility. Theyoffer a scalable and modular powertrain that is well suited for the global electric vehicle market.Many of our customers want turnkey solutions that include the electric drive, transmission,cooling and battery system,” states Manoj Karwa, Vice President of Sales and Marketing forClean Wave Technologies. “XING offers a unique solution that is well suited for niche andspecialty customers in the medium-duty truck market. Fleet customers require specific dutycycles that may rely on different energy and power characteristics based on applications suchas delivery, utility or refuge. XING delivers a scalable solution that can rapidly meet the uniquerequirements of low volume fleet customers,” explains Mr. Karwa.


In support of this collaboration, XING Mobility and Clean Wave Technologies will be exhibitingat the largest advanced transportation technology & clean fleet event in the 2018 AdvancedClean Transportation (ACT) Expo. XING Mobility will exhibit a modular electrified axle andbattery pack at the event being held at the Long Beach Convention Center from April 30 to May3, 2018.

About XING MobilityFounded in Taipei in 2015, XING Mobility is an electric vehicle powertrain systems company.XING Mobility innovates advanced energy storage and electric drive technology using thedevelopment of extreme-performance racecars and supercars as their R&D platform. Byleveraging Taiwan’s extensive industrial supply chain, XING Mobility’s mission is to providetightly integrated electric powertrains to the world’s commercial and industrial vehicle makers.

For more information visit or follow @xingmobility on Twitter/ Facebookand @xingmob on Instagram.


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About Clean Wave TechnologiesClean Wave Technologies develops and manufactures advanced electric drive systems forelectric and hybrid electric vehicles. Clean Wave combines patented and proprietary technologyin electric motors, power electronics and software controls, along with world-class design andstate-of-the-art manufacturing, to produce drive systems that are significantly higher performingand more cost effective than any other competing systems.Transportation electrification is projected to grow into a multi-trillion-dollar industry over the next10 years. With a focus on increasing the performance and driving down cost of these keyelectric powertrain components, Clean Wave is well positioned to rapidly expand with themarket.

For more information on Clean Wave and its products, visit 

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+1 650-300-5993

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