Ex-VW boss Winterkorn apparently wants to wait for access to the file

In the USA, Martin Winterkorn is being sought with an arrest warrant. In Germany, Minister of Transport Scheuer has accused him of “nibbling style”. Winterkorn wants to speak according to a report but only under conditions.

Martin Winterkorn

Martin Winterkorn

Friday, 11.05.2018
08:25 clock

The behavior of ex-VW CEO Martin Winterkorn reminds a bit of the VW commercial for the “beetle” from the sixties: he is silent and silent and silent. However, the former exhaust gas scandal-related former manager for his former employer is no longer advertising. On the contrary – VW examines claims for damages against him,

But Winterkorn apparently wants to comment on the allegations at the earliest when his lawyers have received access to the file. That is the line of the 70-year-old, said an insider of the news agency dpa. A confirmation for this information does not exist so far.

Earlier data of the Brunswick state prosecutor Klaus Ziehe according to Winterkorn’s defenders may be allowed to take a look in the files this summer. The US lawsuit against Winterkorn does not change the current state of affairs in Germany.

Press by Transport Minister Scheuer

Because of fraud in connection with the manipulated exhaust gas values ​​in diesel cars, there are in the USA there is a warrant for Winterkorn. In addition, the prosecutors accuse him of conspiracy to violate environmental laws and to deceive the authorities.

Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer demands of Winterkorn Meanwhile, more will to enlightenment. It was necessary “more speed”, said the Christian Social UnionPolitician to the “Handelsblatt”. “Mr. Winterkorn must also do his part, and every person in charge must know that this leaflet-style approach does not create trust – neither in the companies nor in the diesel technology.”

Under the leadership of Alexander Dobrindts, allegations had been made against the head of the Ministry of Transport auto industry would a cuddle course with lax controls driven. Like his predecessor, Scheuer also rejects it Driving bans and hardware retrofits from,

Winterkorn resigned from his post as VW chief in September 2015, shortly after US authorities revealed the exhaust gas scandal involving millions of manipulated diesel cars worldwide. He had stressed that he was not aware of any wrongdoing. However, the VW Supervisory Board continues to examine claims for damages against Winterkorn. How long this will take, however, remained initially open.

The prosecutor Brunswick is among other things a suspected fraud. In addition, against Winterkorn as well as against the new VW CEO Herbert Diess and Supervisory Board Chairman Hans Dieter Pötsch for possible market manipulation. The agency now has a total of 49 alleged participants in the sights – 39 is about software manipulations for nitrogen dioxide emissions, six for false CO2 and fuel consumption. In three cases it is about market manipulation, in one case an employee who is said to have called for deleting data.

“We have an investigative concept that we are working through, and we will not decide on the issue of indictments today or tomorrow,” prosecutor Ziehe said. The prosecution notes the US charge “with interest.” In addition, there would always be new approaches. Therefore, it is not excluded that even more accused could be added.

Finally understandable

Many diesel owners are currently complaining too Volkswagen or VW dealer. With the recently approved by the Federal Cabinet model declaration action they will in future can claim damages through associations – without even a lawsuit against a company.

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